Chapter Twelve - Finally Happy

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Chapter Twelve

          The next few weeks were happy. Eponine and Enjolras got along well. She now called him by his first name because after a couple of days of living with him, she had demanded to know it, explaining that it would be strange to live with someone and not know their first name. After some pestering, Enjolras reluctantly told her, and she now called him Adrian.

          The living area had been rearranged so a bed could be placed in the corner of the room, which Eponine protested. She insisted she would be fine on the sofa, but Enjolras ignored her. Now that she was eating properly, she was starting to look healthier and happier. All of her friends pitched in and helped teach her since she had virtually no education as a child. She was learning quickly, already able to read, write, and do basic arithmetic. Musichetta even took her to buy new dresses since she only owned one outfit. Everything in Eponine's life was finally coming together.

          About three weeks after moving in with Enjolras, Eponine spent yet another day job hunting. She dressed in her best dress and told Enjolras she'd meet him at the café that evening. After several hours, Enjolras was sitting in the café with their friends when Eponine burst through the door.

          "Adrian! I got a job!" she beamed as she ran up to the table.

          "That's wonderful! Where?" he responded.

          "At Monsieur Bayard's bookshop down the street. I start in two days!"

          "That's great, 'Ponine. Congratulations," Grantaire smiled.

          Everyone else offered their congratulations and they spent the evening celebrating. Eponine's life was finally turning around. 

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