Chapter Thirteen - Nightmare

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Chapter Thirteen

          A few weeks after Eponine started her job, she was walking back to Enjolras's flat when she saw something that made the color drain from her face. Across the street, there was a man leaning against an alley wall, and Eponine immediately recognized him as one of her father's gang members. She quickly ducked her head and hurried away in the opposite direction. Of course, she still had that paranoid feeling that someone was following her, so her pace picked up. Panic was just beginning to rise in her chest when she reached the flat. She burst through the door, quickly bolting it behind her and taking deep breaths. She was extremely grateful that Enjolras wasn't home yet because she didn't really want to explain her panicked behavior. After calming herself down, she managed to push thoughts of the near encounter out of her mind for the rest of the day. She fell asleep that night on her bed in the living area, feeling extremely exhausted but protected with Enjolras right in the other room.


          Eponine snuck into the decrepit house after a late night walk, trying to be as quiet as possible. Suddenly, a booming voice broke the silence and made her jump.

          "Where have you been, brat?"

          A hand tangled into her hair and snatched her backwards. Her father's rotting teeth and beady eyes appeared before her, and she began to panic. That evil snarl spread onto his face, and she knew what was coming next. Eponine didn't even get a chance to say anything before Thènardier began his attack. His fists assaulted her until she could no longer stand, and then his feet took over, his boots slamming into her. She cried out for him to stop, but the only response was his sinister cackle. Finally, the beating stopped and everything was quiet. Eponine slowly cracked her eyes open, only to be met with another cruel smirk. Looming over her was Montparnasse. He crouched down beside her.

          "Hello, my dear," he hissed.

          "Leave me alone," she croaked, somehow managing to spit in his direction.

          His hand connected with her cheek with a sharp crack.

          "That's no way to speak to me. Get up."

          "Please, 'Parnasse. Don't," Eponine rasped.

          "It's up to you, 'Ponine. It's you or Azelma," Montparnasse challenged.

          Eponine's heart sank. She couldn't let him abuse her sister. Very slowly, she lifted herself off the floor, trying to stifle any cries of pain. Montparnasse grinned evilly and grabbed her wrist, dragging her toward her room.

          Suddenly, the scene changed before her, and she was lying in her bed in Enjolras's apartment. She was dripping with sweat and her cheeks were wet with tears. Only then did she notice Enjolras by her bed with his hand on her shoulder. She involuntarily pulled the covers up a little further.

          "Eponine, are you alright? You were having a nightmare," he said, concern lacing his words.

          Still having a hard time gathering her thoughts, she muttered back, "What?"

          "You were screaming. I woke you up," he explained.

          She looked at him in confusion, "It was a dream?"

          He nodded.

          "It seemed so real," she breathed.

          "Do you want to talk about it?" Enjolras asked.

          Eponine slowly sat up, clutching the covers to her chest. She didn't answer immediately, but sat thinking. Enjolras knew some of her past, but he didn't know everything. Part of her was afraid to tell him. She was afraid he would think differently of her, and she was afraid it would damage their friendship. However, she really needed someone to talk to. Grantaire was the only one who knew everything about her past. Part of her wanted to tell him, to be completely honest with him. She hadn't had a nightmare about her past in months, so she really needed to get it off her chest.

          She looked up at him and nodded, "OK."

          He disappeared for a moment, but came back with an extra blanket and lit one of the candles beside the bed. Eponine scooted over in the bed so he could sit down as well. He settled in, both of them sitting against the headboard, and he spread the blanket out over them. Eponine was grateful for that because it was early winter and since she'd calmed down, the sweat brought on by the nightmare was making her cold. Eponine took a deep breath before beginning.

          "I was dreaming about my past. For some reason, I was trying to sneak back into my house and my father caught me. He beat me pretty badly, just like he used to always do. He punched me until I collapsed, and then he started kicking. It felt like forever before he stopped. After he was gone, Montparnasse showed up. There's only one thing Montparnasse ever wants from me, but I was so weak. I just wanted him to leave me alone. But then he threatened to go find my sister Azelma, and abuse her instead. I had to protect her, so I agreed to go with him. I guess that's when you woke me up because I don't remember anything else."

          Eponine realized that she had been crying so she quickly wiped away the tears.

          She sighed and then continued, "I haven't had a dream about them in months, but on the way home from work today, I saw one of my father's gang members. I got back here quickly before he saw me, but that must have been what triggered the dream."

          "Why didn't you tell me?" Enjolras asked.

          "Well, I sort of forced myself to forget about it. I guess I fooled myself into believing I could do that, but I can't. My father always finds some way to haunt me," she said darkly.

          "You're safe now," he whispered, trying to hide the anger in his voice.

          He was furious that someone would treat another person that way. They sat there for a little while longer in the candlelight before Enjolras moved to get up. Without even thinking, Eponine reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him.

          "Stay, Adrian. Please," she said softly.

          He noticed then that her hand, which was still gripping his arm, was trembling. He obliged and settled back down on the bed, wrapping an arm around her before blowing out the candle. She rested her head on his shoulder and let out a ragged breath. Soon, they were both fast asleep.

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