A new start gone wrong

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Tom had been spending time waisting and his life away. He missed Tord. It destroyed him what happened. He needed to be with Tord and he needed to stop sulking. Tom knew it would be easiest to join Tord's army first. He knew how it all worked the say how well you could shoot and run and shit. It's not like it's hard to get in. They are more focused on winning wars than knowing who every solider is.
Tom got up took a shower and got dressed in a blue dress shirt, black pants, black tie, and a black vest. He loved his blue hoodie but he knew he couldn't show up dressed like a teenager to join an army. Tom packed a suit case and headed out for the base. There was a building just out side the gate for the base that would give you an ID to get on. When on the base he went to the place to apply to be apart of the army. He didn't mention he knew Tord. He wanted to approach Tord with out every one knowing...some how.
Tom had to fill out stupid paperwork and stuff then they made him do some target practice to see how good he was. He hit bulls eye 2 out of three times the last one he just barley missed. He hit the ring just out side a bulls eye.
They seemed impressed. He learned the soldiers names were paul and patryk. After they showed him around the base he was told to go back to the dorms.

Mean while
Tord had been filling out paperwork and looked at the time "1 hour" he said and went back to work.
He was planning to attack the green army. Edd wasn't his friend anymore. No Edd was is enemy. Edd had changed. He was more violent more aggressive. I mean yeah when your friend turns on you and tries to take over your world it's somewhat understandable.
Tord didn't want to kill Edd just confine him and take over the world. But Edd had tried to kill him last month. "It's war I can't have mercy for anyone." He told himself.

An hour later everyone was in the chow hall for lunch. Tord sat with the people he had in charge of different things in the front of the room and Tom sat in the back with paul and patryk. Usually they would sit with Tord but since they saw Tom alone they went to go talk to him. They knew who he was but promised to keep him a secret till after he had talked to Tord.

The next day Bc nothing eventful happened that night

The next morning Tord woke up the yelling and gun shots. He quickly grabbed his gun got dressed and ran out. He saw the green army was flooding the base. "Faen" he whispered. He took cover in a door way and shot at the green soldiers his army shooting to.
That's when he saw the spiked hair.... He was confused but now wasn't the time but since he took a second to look at the spiked hair boy he was shot at but right before being hit someone pushed him out of the way it was the spiked hair mess. Tom pulled Tord up he knew this wasn't the time to talk and he had hoped this wasn't how it would be but it is. Tom shot the person who shot at Tord in the head. The bullet had hit the wall behind them. Tord was a bit surprised at Tom's accuracy but shook his head quickly and went back to shooting at people. Blood everywhere. on the walls. on the floor on the people.
It was a horrible sight to see. Most of Edd's soldiers were dead. Tord knew there was no way for Edd to get out of this. To be honest Edd's soldiers had horrible aim. It's like he just found random people and told them to join him with out any training. Tord had a feeling that's what happened. Edd was to desperate he would waist as many lives as it took. Tord had only lost about 15 soldiers in the last hour this was almost ridiculous how bad their aim was on Edd's side. Edds ' soldiers' had killed more of each other than they had killed of Tord's soldiers. Tord's soldiers on the other hand had very good aim and took out Edd's people with no problem. That's when Edd saw Tom. He thought it maybe his only way out of this alive.
"TOM!" Edd yelled over the gunshots
Tom had a feeling of such hate when Edd yelled his name but he looked at Edd. "Tom join my army. I know you hate Tord."
The soldiers stopped at looked at Tom. 'Was he a traitor' 'was he only pretending to be a part of Tord's army' 'was he going to destroy the army from the inside out' these questions ran through everyone's minds like a wildfire spreading. Everyone looked at him
"No! " just as tom said that there was a gun to his head




Tom fell.
Tord had shot
....at the person holding a gun to Tom's head and the body fell on tom knocking him over. It had been one of Edd's soldiers.
Tord knew Tom. Tord knew Tom wouldn't turn on him even if they hadn't spoken in years. Tom would was and still is 'classic stupid tom'
Tom got up and had is gun aimed at Edd
"Don't shoot" Tord said calmly
This was a mistake. A very big mistake. Edd pushed some button and more of his soldiers were there than before.
Tord knew he could easily win. But some thing felt off.
Edd was out before Tord could even give the commands to fire. As the soldiers ran in he ran out. Pathetic.
Tom ran after him he wouldn't let Edd get away but by the time he got out there Edd was in a helicopter leaving. Tord was right behind Tom.
That's when they were surrounded....
(To be continued)

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