Chapter 7

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That's it I'm going to die. He asked me that just to ask me this!? If he said no I'd be devastated. Not only is he the first one I fell in love with in three hundred years, but he's a freaking tease!?

Oh, no he-

"I'd be devastated beyond belief." I blurted. He looked shocked, and his eyes widened before I looked down, my chest suddenly heavy. My lip got caught between my teeth, and I chewed on it nervously.

He seemed to be trying to gather his thoughts, but him not saying anything yet, seriously made me want to rip my hair out and scream? Is this what it feels like? To actually be in love for once? Not just a crush? Yet, I just met him.

Is love at first sight actually possible? Maybe it is.

"Then I know it's safe to say, yes."

My heart exploded, I didn't know how to respond, but my body reacted before my brain did, and I leaned forward quickly kissing him. I'd never kissed anyone before, so I didn't know if what I was doing was right. The angle was weird, but his lips were so soft. I didn't want to move away. I hadn't felt the sun in over five hundred years, but I'm sure the warmth I'm feeling now is how the sun would feel.

We adjusted until we were in a position that felt normal. I pulled away to breath, and also avoided eye contact. There was silence between us, but neither of us seemed to want to move away. "Maybe I should take you for a trip to the Otherworld to meet my mother?"

"Maybe someday." I mumbled before rising out of my seat. I bolted for the door, grabbing a book on the way out. I raced into the hall with Rouge behind me, and headed for our current sleeping quarters before slamming the door shut.

Breathing heavily, I began to jump up and down excitedly.

I told you!

"Oh shut up you cocky jerk!" She seemed to roll her eyes, but I could care less.

Hey. What'd you grab?

"Um... nothing... go flirt with Clawdius!" I snapped jumping onto the bed turning the first piece of parchment over. Rouge seemed to sigh before leaving.

Several hours of reading later someone knocked on the door. "(Y/N)."

"You can open the door, Alex." I set aside the paper, and sat up straight as she entered the room. "Hello. Nice to see you. Did you and Red sort out your problem?"

"Um... not quite. You see... the problem is the storm." A frown appeared on my face as I began to nod.

"I see. You want me to leave don't you?"

"At the nearest time of convenience to you. We don't want to rush you on leaving. You seemed quite happy earlier. So did Conner... would you happen to know about that?"

"No I'm afraid not." He didn't seem too happy when I left the library. "Did he say anything about it?"

"Just that he needed to open a portal to the Otherworld. Which I find quite strange. Mainly, because as soon as he gets there, he's going to be strangled by our mother."

"Then why would he go back!? What kind of mother strangles her own children?" Then, I remembered who my mother was and sighed. "Never mind that is quite normal for me actually. My mother strangled two of my brothers to death and brought them back to life as polar bears."

"So that's who they were..." Alex mumbled.


"Nothing! Right, let me get back on topic. We just need you to leave as soon as you can. We don't mean to be rude in any sort of way, we just need to think of the other people that live in this kingdom."

"Understandable. They must miss the sun already."

"Yes... that was the first complaint today. We don't exactly have the right technology at the moment to keep everyone warm, and happy at the same time."

"I see. I'm causing an inconvenience to these people. I should leave."

"No! You don't have to yet, but it would be best if you left within the week."

"Yes, I offered my leave now. Why not take it before I become too attached?"

"Because... well at least leave Rouge here when you leave. She really hit it off with Clawdius after they saw past their differences." She rolled her wand between her fingers, a nervous energy seemed to radiate off of her.

"I can't leave, Rouge. We are supposed to stick together! She promised."

"Well at least let her stay a bit longer." Alex urged. A sigh escaped my lips, and I started out the window. I hadn't been in any contact with the the snow all day, and I'd had proper meals all day. I loved it here. I'm not going to lie, but I know I shouldn't stay.

The people here don't deserve this torture. This always happened. A tough decision and I couldn't figure out what the solution should be. "I'll stay, but only if Rouge wants to stay."

"Thank you!" Alex smiled before running out of the room.

Strange. First she says she wants me to leave, but then she says she doesn't. That make no sense to me. I'm only staying for Rouge though. So if she's trying to gain something out of this it definitely isn't working.

Also if Rouge gets pregnant with puppies I'm going to rip her throat out. She can love whatever wolf she wants, just no kids without my consent. Rouge ran into the room, practically bouncing.

Hey lazy bones! What are you up to?

"Rouge. Do you want to stay here with Clawdius for a few more days?"

Well I guess. What's with the sudden question?

"We've been asked to leave within the week. I just wanted to make sure wether you wanted to leave or not before I decided."

Awe! Thanks! Also, Conner's looking for you, if you know what I mean.

The Snow Queen's Daughter///Conner Bailey X Reader(Short Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें