Chapter 8

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"What do you mean Conner is looking for me?" My breath hitched at just the thought of him.

Well, first of all I don't think he understands, the fact that I can understand what all of you say. He wrote it down on a piece of paper... pointed at each word. It would've been hilarious if you were there.

"What did he want!?"

Oh, yeah, sorry. He said he needed to talk to you about something important. I'm assuming it has to do with your kiss from earlier, but he said you also stole all of his stories and he'd like them back so they don't get lost.

My cheeks warmed slightly. Yes. I grabbed his storied on my way out of the library, but can you blame me? I was curious. After reading the first one I had to read the others they were very much enjoyable, so much more than the history books I read... some of which had odd pictures.

Lost in thought about your exaggerated romance with Conner?

"My god Rouge, it's never going to work out anyway, so you can shove a stick in it!"

Wow, never seen you so flustered... and over some guy who you, kissed. That was your first kiss as I recall? I mean you seemed to enjoy it, so I don't know why it wouldn't work out. He didn't yell at you or anything after. You two seem to be on good terms... except you ran out after a few moment of awkwardness-

"I know! I know! I know! I'm such an idiot. I should have just told him how I felt!" I slumped down on the bed.

Well you can tell me and then tell him?

"Why would I do that?"


"Fine, but I'll only tell Conner if you tell Clawdius."

Sure, but tell me how you feel about him.

"You first."

Fine! I know Clawdius and I started off on bad terms, but after we talked today we realized we had something in common and he seemed friendly, or at least more than he did yesterday, but something changed, once I began to open up to him and I just... I don't want to give that up. It's not the same as the other relationships. He's different, I'm not sure what, but I like him more than any other wolf I've met.

"Plus he's rich." I joked.

Whatever weirdo. Now tell me what you think about Conner.

"Well, I guess I can start two days ago. When him and Alex found us, Alex was quite harsh, and not exactly kind to greetings. He actually tried to negotiate, despite him being unaware of the terms I'd made with my mother. Then he came to check on us after we made it to the castle, and didn't quite get upset with us trying to leave."

I'm not following.

"I'm saying he was kind, while his sister was not. He tried to stay on good terms with us, despite us being complete strangers. Then he took us out to town, to buy supplies for the bow and arrows. When we were out he was telling me about the kingdoms, and about how to make a stronger bow. He told me he'd read about it."

So you're saying he's smart?

"Oh my god, yes! Did I mention he's a writer?"

Like, he writes about... history?

"No, he writes his own stories. Like this one here, it about a boy who has powers to manipulate lightning, or an Otherworld term, electricity. His name is Bolt, and he has three siblings, they all have strange powers too, they're known as, superheroes."

Sounds fascinating.

"Yeah, yeah, don't be so sarcastic."

What about that kiss?

"What kiss? We never kissed!" I exclaimed, covering my face. Rouge rolled her eyes.


"Fine. We did kiss, but I was short lived... also I enjoyed it very much. He was gentle, and his lips were soft, but it also felt a little awkward, like neither of us knew exactly what to do. I guess if I wasn't to frightened to face him again, then I'd try to kiss him again, just to see if I could, "get it right", you know?"

You know you could have just said, he's nice.

"Then there's his laugh, oh my god, he sounds like an angel, it's so beautiful, and his smile, it's slightly crooked and I can't help, but to imagine straightening it out. I just... he'd never like me back though."

You're so dumb. Why wouldn't it work out?

"You know, I'm the daughter of the Snow Queen, frost grows across me when I'm angry or alarmed, and I have this annoying storm constantly floating around. Then he's this happy boy from another dimension, where it sounds like things are a little more advanced, and people laugh at other's anger. He's also the grandson of the Fairy Godmother, who should technically be younger than me."

Okay, I'm detecting a few flaws here.

"A few is an understatement, I was in a quarrel with one of his friends, and I'm literally ancient compared to him, he'd never understand thing the way I understand them, and the other way around."


"He also disagrees with many views of mine. He had me reading some history books and in everyone, the witch was the villain, I tried to defend the witches, because of who I am, and he'd simply reply with, 'they're witches'. I don't get why everyone fears us. Are we really that bad?" I frowned, laying on my stomach.

Look, I'm like ninety percent positive, that he likes you, he didn't move for almost ten minutes after you fled from the kiss. I could tell it was from shock, he reeked of the emotion. You should just go confess your feelings to him, it may be your last chance. Remember the curse has a time limit, once you reach a thousand we're both done.

"You're right, I'm going to go tell, Conner I like him!"

There you go.

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