Chapter 10

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The wind around us seemed to build up, until I couldn't hear anything over the angry screams. Conner, held on tightly to me, not breaking the kiss. Our hair whipped around as did my cloak. When we finally parted everything stopped.

It happened so quickly I felt dizzy. "Woah..." Conner breathed, looking at the snow around us, frozen in mid-fall. We locked eyes before smiling. His hands moved down my arms and he intertwined our fingers together. "What does this mean?"

"I don't know." Slowly, then with quickening pace the snow and clouds began to disappear into my arms and torso. Conner didn't let go of my hands, instead watched with wide eyes. Soon the storm was gone, and a blinding light came to view.

I covered my eyes as a warm feeling spread through me. I looked up to the sky and saw the sun shining bright in the sky. Conner sighed and I smiled, falling back into the newly found grass. The small spades brushed against my skin, and it made me feel alive.

Oh my god!

Rouge, ran out into the garden with, Clawdius right behind her, and she began to bounce around happily. "Is this new for you?" Conner asked, sitting next to me.

"I haven't seen the sun, felt the grass, or listened to Rouge this happy in five hundred years. Not new, but I'll have to readjust."

"I still can't believe you went that long in that storm. I thought I was dying after ten minutes..."

"You get used to it after fifty years."

"Does that mean you age normally now?"

"I guess we'll find out."

"I guess we will."

He laid down, and held my hand in his as we stared at the brilliant blue sky. I didn't feel cold anymore. I felt a sense of warmth moving through me now. This wasn't the end of snow for me, but it will defiantly be close. "Would you like to come to the Otherworld with me? I can show you where I grew up, some of the people I get inspiration from in my writing?"

"That would be lovely... alas I have a few things I need to clear up with my mother before I can initially move on with my life, but I would love to go with you sometime soon." I forced myself to stand up, and Conner followed quickly. "Rouge? You ready to go on our... trip?"

Oh... that trip. Yeah I think I'm ready too bite your mom's foot!

"You're not going to bite her foot! But you can bite her face all you'd like. That cursed woman deserves it!" I laughed, and Conner's eyes widened. "Just talking to Rouge..."

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that," he chuckled and he smiled. Alex, ran out into the garden.

"What happened to the storm!?" Conner and I exchanged a small glance.

"We simply... expressed ourselves out loud." I smirked, ruffling Rouge's fur.

"Well if your curse is broken you're welcome to stay here."

"Thank you." I smiled at her then to Rouge. "Oh! Conner, I almost forgot to return these."

I held out his stories to him, but he simply pushed them back towards me. "I want you to keep them until I get back. Uh, Alex can we have another moment alone before we part ways?"

"Um... sure?" She nodded before leaving us. Conner, laced his fingers into mine and managed a weak smile.

"Are you going to be here when I get back?" He asked. All I could do was smile.

"I should be. I just need to speak with her... how long will you be gone for?"

"A week. Until then maybe you'd like to explore the kingdom?" I nodded and he squeezed my hand tightly. "Then when I get back, I can take you to every kingdom you want to see, or the Otherworld."

"I love that idea." He kissed my cheek and let go of my hand. "Ready now, Rouge? Did you say goodbye to Clawdius for the time being?"

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're not my mom! Let's get this show on the road so I can kick your mom's butt!

"Of course." I smiled. I held my hand out in front of me. This time the portal would be easier since I'd spent a significant amount of time in the mountains. I turned my palm towards the ground, and a crack of lightning hit the ground in front of me and a silver oval appeared with images of swirling snow on the other side.

The wind began to rush through the portal, blowing my cloak behind me. I turned to face Conner one more time. "Are you sure you'll be alright on your own? My mother won't mind if I miss one visit."

"Conner. Your mother sounds like a saint compared to mine. You should defiantly go see her. It's not like I'll be gone forever. Plus, it's my mother. She may not love me as much as yours loves you, but she'd never hurt me."

"But she'd curse you?"

"Look I don't know how to explain it. I love her, but at the same time I can't seem to find a reason why. All I know is she deserves a beating, apology and a thanks."

"I'm still confused."

"A beating for cursing me. An apology for beating her. And a thanks for giving me the chance to meet you."

"Now I'm beginning to wonder why that guy you liked hundreds of years ago didn't like you."

Hey love bird! Portal is closing in five. Wrap this up!

"Right! I'll see you in a week, Conner." I kissed his cheek, and picked up Rouge. Her ears flattened out as she glared at me.

"I'll see you in a week!" Conner yelled as I stepped through the portal. I set Rouge down and looked around me. I could never forget playing in these mountains as a child with baby Rouge.

"Do you remember being here?"

How could I forget? This place was the beginning of a nightmare. One that I'll never forget.

"I know. Are you ready to officially end this? To be free of this curse?"


"Then let's begin our journey." We began to move up the mountain towards the official end of this curse.

The Snow Queen's Daughter///Conner Bailey X Reader(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now