1: Evan

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Evan awoke to the sound of water falling down the bronze roof. The clock on his bedside table read 11:30, he had slept in again. It was because of his obsessive sleeping that he could not hold a job. He even tried a job as a test subject for sleep study, but even that failed after he had a bad dream and punched his boss in the face thinking he was a wulf-lizard. 

He looked at himself in the old rusted mirror. He had orange brown fur with maroon stripes on his ears, back, and abdomen. He held the toothpaste with his lion-like tail and unskillfully began to brush his teeth. You see, Evan was a renlax, a creature from Kyhan with a stout muzzle, velvety fur, and a strong skill in technology.

He tightened the cap of the paste, washed out his mouth with water, and placed his toothbrush back in its little cup without washing it. Evan opened the window and let the wind rush over him. People stared at him with angry expressions, and he had no idea why until he looked down. Exhausted by his nakedness, he sighed and covered himself in his old RailRider vest and his dark brown knee shorts.

"Alright, new day, we'll keep this job for sure," he lied to himself.

Evan dug through his closet and found his Sky-Cycle. He strapped this to his arm, wrapping his fingers though the ring-triggers. As he squeezed his hand the magnetic wheel spun. The Sky-Cycle activates a strong electro-magnet, which is why his keys flew at him, making him smack his head against the wall.

"Or this is going to be the worst day ever," said Evan.

He slung his pack around his shoulders and jumped out from the window. A Magne-Rail was right below his apartment on the 57th floor so he often randomly threw himself from the window when something came up that he didn't want to deal with. For instance, there was a time when his landlord came in asking for his rent money and Evan jumped out of the window. Unfortunately he had forgotten to grab his Sky-Cycle and he ended up in the hospital for two months.

The wheel spun wildly and locked onto the rail easily. He sped forward, his ears pinned down by the wind. Evan loved the Magne-Rails. The adrenaline pulsing through his veins, the wind in his hair, it was great.

"Hey, Idiot. There’s a gondola behind you! MOVE!" said an old man in the cart behind him.

Evan rolled his eyes and rested his squeeze on the knuckle holster. He fell through the clouds, soon attaching to a rail below him. His wrist vibrated and he looked down at his Coms-Watch.

"Hey man, just wondering if you managed to get to work on time." it read.

Evan pressed his nose to the text-to-speech button, "No, I'm on my way now."


Suddenly he felt his body collide with the hard wall of a gondola if front of him. The wheel of the cycle dented and the axel shattered. He fell, yelling and screaming as hover cars flew inches away from him. Lucky for Evan he had crashed above a small lake. Unfortunately there was quite a bit of wind that day and he was violently tangled in a tree nearby.

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