5: Evan

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"Hey buddy, you alright there?"

Evan woke up suddenly, tangled in branches and covered in scrapes. He looked around, taking his hand in the other. It was bleeding.

"Hey! You alive? Come on I can't help you on my own."

Adrenaline surged through his body and he tried to kick forward, catching someone's chest with both his feet. Evan opened his eyes just in time to see a man falling from the tree and rolling off the edge of the sky island the city was built on. He began to panic, holding his long ears as his body shiver.

"Holly shi-" he said but was cut off by a loud scream from below, "Okay time to go."

It was nighttime now, Evan had slept most of the day. He had to get off the city, but the only way was the Magne-Rail. No problem, I can do that, he thought until he remembered that his cycler had shattered.

"Hey you! Stop right there, we need to talk to you!"

That was his queue to leave. He had a fit, writhing his body until he fell to the artificial grass. A large hand grabbed his shoulder and he swung his hand back. It caught a patrolman in the knee. The man grunted angrily and collapsed. He lunged forward and was barely to pick him up.

"Oy! That's rude."

"I'm not pest control, renlax. I deal with humans and Chiyans. I don't have time for your sort." Said the patrolman.

"Then let me go!"

"Not a chance."

Evan was then stuffed into the human's pack and felt him jump from a platform. He heard the familiar sound of a Magne-Rail.

"Well. I'm screwed."

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