2: Haden

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Bullets flew across the landscape, barely missing his feathers. Haden jumped behind a statue for cover, which was soon reduced to a figure covered in holes.

"Come out, Mutant!" A man yelled, but was hardly heard over the gun-fire.

He looked down at his body, he was a bird-man. Infused with a violet raven and now covered in feathers. He was born a human, but let's just say his job as a human experimenter did not go well. Haden charged his weapon, drank a Shield-Tonic and ran out from behind his cover. The bullets rippled on the magnetic shield that had formed around him.

He danced around the opponent patrol and caught seven people while his fire. They dived towards the floor, several civilians screamed from inside their homes, but Haden ignored them.

"Go to Hell!" screamed the muffled voice of a bomber.

He watched him as he lit the fuse to a small grenade and threw it forward. Haden tried to dodge but was caught by the blow, his shield shattering and his beak cracking. He flew through the air and slammed against the hard stone ground. Patrol surrounded him, grabbing him by his burnt feathers. Haden struggled and fought, but as he felt the sedatives seep into his arm he knew it was no use. That was when the shadows took over him, and the world melted into dreams.

"You're going to go away for a long time!" said a man, his voice echoing.

It was over. He had been caught. After seven years of running, he was caught. It was at that moment that Haden, for the first time in his life, gave up.

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