Chapter 6

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!  :)


Sawyer's P.O.V.

I barely had time to react before the truck collided head-on with the car. The impact was so strong I was surprised I didn't fly forward. The only sound I could hear was the deafening sound of glass shattering before my eyes, and the screams. Joey managed to swerve to the right a little bit and because of that it was the left side that caught the most impact. The side Joey happened to be on. I swear I heard Joey yell, "SHIT!" right before we crashed.

It happened very quickly, too quickly almost. All I could do was scream in horror as the truck pushed, no, more like shoved us away from it. I was barely conscious and I could feel blood trickling from my head onto my face. I moved my head a little bit so I would be able to see what exactly happened to not only the car, but to Joey.

To my left, was Joey and I tried to gasp but nothing came out of my mouth. He was obviously unconscious and I could very easily see he was much worse off than I was. His arm was bent in a weird way, his hair matted down by blood, his forehead covered in blood. His head was dangling to the right, like mine seemed to be. I tried to look out the windshield, which no longer seemed to be there, but I could see nothing but smoke and glass. Wait, smoke? I squinted a little bit and I faintly saw some orange flames coming from the hood of the car.

'Why am I still here...? Why is no one trying to help us?'

Suddenly, my door was violently opened and a fireman was standing there, taking in the sight of Joey and I. "Hey, can someone get the man on the left side of the car out? He's very injured!" He yelled, quite loudly if I do say so myself.

He put his arm over my chest and tried to unbuckle my seat belt. He glanced to the right and sighed before yelling again. "Can someone PLEASE put out those flames? And why is no one getting to the man in the driver's seat? He needs to get to the emergency room!" I grimaced slightly. 'you're right next to me. please don't yell' I wanted to say but found myself unable to. The flames were extinguished but it still smelled like smoke.

Another man appeared next to this firefighter and said, "Sir, we can't get to that man because there's a semi in the way." "Don't get smart with me," the firefighter snapped. "Bring a stretcher. No, actually, bring two." the other man ran ofd and the first man reached over and unbuckled my seat belt. He was surprisingly strong, because he lifted me up and the next thing I knew I was on a stretcher. I felt myself being quickly wheeled over to an ambulance.

"Jo-Joey..." I whispered, and everything went dark.


Hello everyone this is co-writer Milly and I just wanted to apologize for the late chapter.  Please forgive me guys :/ for my next chapter it will be on time :D Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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