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This is the 3/3 update I'd posted. You're welcome! Hahaha! Hoping Game 3 will be won at our home court, though.

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15 June 2003

George relaxes as soon as her eyes met the stand. It's not only hotdogs they're selling, they have corn dogs, burgers and sandwiches.

She's been counting every second that passed, though. She has to do that or her father will never let her go to places like this again because she has to sneak out just to have the NBA player signed hotdog.

She's five, what will everyone expect? Alike other kids, she'll do anything it'll take to get what she wanted.

"Mister," she calls the man who's currently slicing lettuces and tomatoes.

His eyes search for her small voice and looks at her. He greets, "Hi, what would you like?"

She beams, her white teeth perfectly showing, and exclaims, "The signed hotdog, please!"

He looks taken aback, George thinks, with his eyebrows arched and jaw dropped. It takes a minute or two before the man laughs at her and continues to reheat the buns.

"Mister," she says almost pissed, "I'd like to buy the Tim Duncan signed hotdog."

The man stares at her in disbelief and chuckles again, "We don't have that."

"You do."

"We don't," he looks at her smirking, "we say we do, but we really don't."

She stomps her right foot out of rage and screams. Only few are outside of the arena by now and almost all of them looks at her in shock.

She points to the vendor and screams, "You're a liar!"

The man almost drops the spatula he's holding. He looks around and sees that the people are closing around them. He stands there in fear while some of the people goes to the kid in front of him and asks what happened.

"Uh," he tries to explain but the little girl cries, more loudly this time, before he continues, "Hey, hey. Uh, wait."

What should I do? He keeps on asking himself. God, he mentally panics, it hasn't been a week since he got this job and now he's about to lose it. What will his father say? He shudders; his first part-time job and look how it sucks.

Eyes bore into him or that's what it feels as the people and the little girl waits for his response. "Let me make it up to you. Okay?"

The girl stops sneezing. He scoffs, she's fake crying, can't all the people in here see that? She smirks at him and grins, "The signed hotdog, please."

He forces himself to give off a genuine smile, "As I told you, we don't have that."

The girl holds her breath and is about to cry again when he exclaims, "I'll sign it for you!"

One of the people that has gathered around them smiles and nods before leaving. He sighs in relief as one by one the people stands and goes until all of them has left.

He looks down to the little girl who stayed and glares at her, "Why'd you do that!?"

She smirks, annoyingly to him, "Did what?"

He grips the spatula tighter; his temper rising but he controls it, "You're good. You're like a little devil with your angelic look."

George blushes, she doesn't know why but she did, but she coughs to hide that. The man in front of her is still staring at her.

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