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Short update! Because a.) we lost the championship, b.) there's rumors that Kevin Love will be traded for Paul George, and c.) Look at how coincidental the names are with this story. Idk if it's a good thing or not :(

But enjoy! Love you! :)


11 September 2004

George looks at her dad and frowns, "I thought we'll be going to UCLA?"

Jacob's raspy laugh fills the car, he turns right on the corner they're in and continues to drive to San Bernardino. "Sorry, hon, change of venue."

"Oh," she feels a little disappointed as she tears her stare away from the window, "when will you ever let me come with you to UCLA?"

"Soon," her father promises, "As soon as I have the best player I can brag to you, I'll bring you in."

"Isn't Cole the best yet?"

"The boy's great," her father praises the graduating two time MVP of UCLA. When they're having dinner, Jacob sometimes let them know about the boys' performances and the game they either won or lost. But George notices her father sighs, "I'm still on the look for the NBA material."

She runs a hand through her short hair and nods, "Have the scouts seen him?"


She looks at him expectantly, "Is he going to be in the All Star?"

"I don't know but I hope. It'll be a good career start for him," her father replies as he parks the car on the reserved lane of the unfamiliar open space.

"We're here already?"

Her father snorts, "I parked the car, didn't I? It only means we are."

She laughs, "Daddy, sarcasm doesn't suit you."

They go out of the car and head to the court. It isn't the same as the court in SBC Center, of course, but it does have the same vibe. It's a crowd and she can feel their excitement as she and her father walk to their seat. Her father acknowledges three men and she smiles at them respectfully before taking a seat beside her father.

As soon as they sat down, she can hear her father talks to them, professionally, and that amuses her. It's a different sight, yes, she sees her father talk about basketball mostly every time to them, but this has been the first time where she sees him; his eyes on the court as he observes the players as a critique, his physique straight and highly and his smile expectant.

She doesn't understand 60% of what they're talking about so she start scanning the area. A lot of people are in here today, some are young and some are old, but they are all looking pleased and eager to see tonight's game.

The court here in San Bernardino is enough to accommodate pretty much a couple and more hundred guest and she can feel the homey vibe with the posters and team flags. There's mascots, too, but she doesn't really like those so she looks for something else.

Her eyes land across the first team and observes the players. Almost all of them are tall enough to be an electric post, she chuckles, and they're all busy practicing their play on the other side of the court with a tall black man scrutinizing them. Their coach, she affirms.

She moves her stare to the opposing team, the challengers, and as soon as she met a certain blue eye, she starts fidgeting on her seat. There, a good 30 feet away from her, she estimates, is Kevin Love, his tall frame and cheeky smile looking at her.

His white jersey of his school, Lake Oswego in Oregon, suits him perfectly. She can see the muscles of his biceps flex and how it emphasizes the color of his eyes. She unknowingly beams as she looks at him. He belongs in a court, she states, even if it's still her first time seeing him. He hasn't even played yet, but here she is, admiring him more.

Kevin waves at her and jogs to meet her. She bites the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling even more but fails. Oh good grief, I act like a little girl with a crush! She coughs, a little, before she pushes the thought away from her mind. There's no time to think about that, she's too young to develop such feelings toward Kevin who's now standing in front of her. She looks up to meet his eyes and he salutes her.

"Glad you're here early, George."

"Uh," she clears her throat and tries to speak loudly this time, "Yeah, it was a short drive."

She clears her throat again, wait, she didn't clear her throat so she looks beside her. Oh.

Kevin gaze at her father and nods, "Good evening, sir," he looks at the men beside her father too, "And to all of you, too, sirs."

They nod at him but her father's the only one who speak, "What's your name, boy?"

"Kevin, sir."

Jacob puts his arm around her and she feels embarrassed, "And you know my daughter how?"

Kevin laughs but she can't find it in herself to laugh with him. She's still feeling flustered of her father's actions!

"I believe we're friends, sir."

"You believe?"

"Yes, we've met a few times."

She can feel his father's hand loose around her so she slowly looks at him and sees him nodding. Jacob starts talking to the men he sits beside again.

She tweaks a little smile before she locks her gaze with Kevin. She beams.


He grins at her, "Hey."

"I'm here."

"I can perfectly see that," he laughs.

She rolls her eyes, "It's my first state basketball game. And you, I mean, the team you belong to is my bias. You guys should win this for me, okay?"

He smugly smiles and shrugs, "Of course."

Their eyes lock once more and her mind starts to go spiral again. Her breathing becomes uneven, her heartbeat races and her hands are peculiarly cold. She tears her eyes away from his and shoo him away, "Go. The game will start soon."

He winks at her and bids goodbye to her father. She swears to herself, there is clearly something wrong with her whenever she's with Kevin Love. And deep down, somewhere hidden on the very far corner of her heart she wishes to ignore, she likes it.

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