
33 1 0

11 September 2004

She stares at his back, at how big his strides are and at his tall frame. He towers her, she knows that, but he makes her feel as if they're on the same level.

It's confusing how he makes her feel like she's already a teen - someone who has these creepy and unbalanced hormones that make her giddy just by thinking of him.

She doesn't want to acknowledge the idea. George always thought it will be trouble.

Why wouldn't it be?

He should be his brother, the ten year gap of their ages should be a clear EXIT sign for her. Maybe he's just being nice because she resembles his sister.

He's not around much, he prefers to live in Oregon since he attends his school there. He was just around town to visit his family because it's his birthday!

His looks, his eyes, his whole personality! She's sure he has all the girls in his school swooning over him.

"George," she hears her father call her. She quirks up while she shakes her head, trying to forget what she's been thinking. She looks at his father and his smile brings back comfort in her system.

"Yes, daddy?"

"Just like old times?"

She nods before she focuses on the players gathered on the center of the court of a jump ball. "I'll go with Kevin's team."

"Okay," her father agrees, "I'd go with the other team. But now, I just like to see your friend play, hon."

She just have to go with her belief in Kevin. If he's a good player that he brags, maybe he really is.

She wipes the sweat of her palm on her jeans and nervously smile. She's not afraid how the game will turn out. She's afraid that her father wouldn't let the Kevin issue be dismissed fast.

Kevin, being the tallest guy in his team, is at the center of the court going head to head with the player of the opposing team for a jump ball. She can almost see the imaginary electricity the two have for each other, as if the two of them are rivals even out of the court.

The other players stand in their positions waiting for the referee to whistle so the game will start.

A loud high pitch whistle echoes through the arena before the loud cheers of the people around are heard.

Kevin takes the first possession of the ball as he passes it to his teammate who she thinks his surname is Walsh as printed on the back of his jersey. Walsh run towards their side of the court, passing the ball once more to another player who lay ups and scores.

She cheers with the people around her. George believes that almost all of the plays she's watched, the team who scored first will likely win the game.

Well that works out 70% of the time.

Kevin is fast, she can perfectly notice that, he is one of the tallest guys in their team and for that he is mostly who they depend on for rebounds and assists. He gladly do so because for the past minutes, he is running from court to court, passing the ball to the veteran players who either miss or make the shot.

She's been trying hard not to stand up and command; something she always does when she's watching with her father at home. If Kevin's team is being soft in defense, she wants to shout and drag someone to do some blocking and create a good turnover. The other team is good in faking fouls, too, and that's what she groans at the most.

It's only first quarter and Kevin's team already has 6 fouls! Unbelievable!

She is gripping her hands tight, trying to maintain her composure like her father. She looks at her father for a second and studies him. His eyes are following the players as they play; sometimes looking at their footwork, how their feet moves graciously on the court, their dribbling and blocking abilities and even their posture when shooting. It amuses her how his father adores basketball and now, here she is, following his footsteps.

A loud whistle tears her away from her thoughts and moves her focus back on the court, where she sees Hendricks, a player in Kevin's team, clutching his right knee close to his chest. He's screaming, badly, that from the sounds of his cries she can feel how painful it must have been.

"He made a wrong turn," her father whispers to her and she nods as her eyes still fixed on the boy on the floor. Quickly, a medical team is on their way with a stretcher and takes the boy away. A bell sounds and the two teams gather on their designated benches to listen to their coach for a new play.

She stares at Kevin's team and eyes each one of the member. They only have nine players, well eight, because the other one is badly injured and the other five are already exhausted from playing almost nine minutes on court.

The other team is on the lead, much to her dismay, and it's 21-18.

The game continues and she can't barely control her frustrations. Although the game is cleaner than before, aside from some petty foul and shot clock violations, it is still as insane.

Three players of the opposing team are playing a hell of a game. Every time they have the possession of the ball, they either pass the ball to each other - playing with Kevin's team like crazy throwing them off of their momentum then shoot or they will directly shoot it off the field goal line. They are taunting Kevin's team with three pointer shots!

Kevin has been called for a few times, his coach letting him rest from the game. But every time he does, the team struggles even more to cope up with the fast paced championship game.

Hendricks must be a good player, she thinks, because without him the team sort of lost their confidence to win.

Walsh and Kevin both look twice tired than the whole team combined. With a score of 62-55, they are both the leading scorers and assists in the team.

Walsh is good in lay ups and overhead passes. His raven hair moves as he moves and he looks good. The girls behind the bench of Kevin's team have placards and tarpaulins with his name and multiple doodled hearts to match.

"Daddy," she calls her father and points to the referee in the center of the court, who's busy talking to the gentlemen in the desk, the commentators and the game officials. Her father looks her way and leans more so she can whisper in his ear.

"What are they even discussing about? It's been a while."

Her father points to the biggest player on the opposing team, Brews, who is gulping down the Gatorade empty. "That kid committed a foul, tripping Walsh intentionally or sort of of pulling his jersey, but it wasn't called immediately. They are talking if they'll calling it technical or they'll just call it free."

I nod. Although she didn't see what happened, she can feel the tension between Walsh and Brews in court. They are both competitive, like two chimpanzees fighting for a banana or cake in a forest, and it's not good.

Well, it is good. The people watching the game always like a good basketball riot.

// It's been so long!!! Sorry about that. Hahaha, here's a short chapter because we're at 3rd in NBA Standings and my pal, Kyrie Irving is ready to bring war with Boston as they lead the East! 😢😂

Honestly, idk what team I should be. Lebron's not playing his best, DRose got injured, Love's play is not enough and Thompson is having Khloe Kardashian's baby! IDK WHAT TO FEEL BUT YAY AN UPDATE

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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