Chapter 3: Cooking Lessons

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You were walking to the lunch area and spotted Mae and the blonde girl again hugging the two kids you saw walking with them this morning also Slim and the grumpy skeleton from yesterday was with them. You wanted to go up and say hi but you didn't want to interrupt but as you were about to turn a corner to sit at a table on your own once again you heard Mae shout you " hey Y/N!" she said as she came running up to you " nice to see you again hehe" she said closing her eyes and smiling as she tilted her head a little and her ponytail swishing a little you could tell why the grumpy skeleton was attracted to her she was very pretty. " hi Mae I was urr about to go and sit down and eat my lunch..." you said with a half smile Mae gave you a concerned look " on your own?" she asked you nodded slowly " oh no you are not eating on your own Y/N you can come a sit with us " Mae said as she linked arms with you and started walking to the other human and the two scary looking skeletons you noticed the kids left. " I umm a-are you sure its ok with your friends?.." you asked nervously Mae nodded quickly " of course Slim and Suzy won't mind umm Red well he won't mind as long as your friends with me" she said smiling as you got closer you got a big whiff of mustard and syrup you scrunched up your nose a little the two smells combined wasnt very nice for your nose. Mae sat you down next to her on the other side of her was the grumpy skeleton assuming now his name was Red and across from you was Slim that you met in science class he grinned and winked at you the human next to him was leaning on him giving you a smirk and a half wave. " heh dont worry Y/N Slim doesn't bite you met him in science right?" Mae said as she put her arms on the table you nodded shyly feeling annoyed your shyness was sneaking back. Mae nudged you a little " this idiot thats leaning on Slim is Suzy just be careful she can be really stupid sometimes" Mae whispered to you you giggled a little.You jumped when you heard hands slam on the table " hey now who you calling stupid excuse you Mae you can't talk!" Suzy said with a loud scottish accent which surprised you a bit you faced Mae she just rolled her eyes as she pointed to the short skeleton next to her " and this is Red please excuse his rudeness and edginess heh runs in the family.. but he's not fond of other humans then me, Suzy , Frisk and maybe Chara maybe.." Mae said as she coughed a little. you looked over Mae's shoulder and saw Red with his eye sockets half lidded as he drunk the mustard(?) he turned and stared at you as his grin went wider " and I do bite very VERY hard luv.." he said with a chuckle. You cringed a little at his words Mae just glanced over at him and pushed his arm " really Red we are not trying to scare the new girl thank you very much I promised Mrs Dreemurr that I would help out you know how hard the Dreemurrs are trying to make this school for monsters AND humans Red.." Mae shouted a little Red just rolled his glowing red eye and grumbled. you hear snickers from Suzy and Slim. " so... the head teachers are trying to make this school for monsters and humans?" you said as you ate some of your sandwich Mae nodded " yeah hoping that other humans won't be scared of monsters and can finally get along.." she said sounding a bit sad you laughed weakly to yourself " heh no wonder they were so happy for me to start here and umm by the way why do the skeletons all look the same a little?" you said tilting your head and brushing a strand of your H/L H/C out the way. Slim and Red just grinned at each other " heh thats a long story Y/N you dont need to worry your little head about it mate" Suzy said with a smile you just nodded understanding as you smiled back you were feeling really happy that you were slowly making friends now but you were still very curious.

As lunch went by Mae was talking about her family to you saying she came from a wealthy family mostly from her father's side and how she was helping Suzy out with money you thought that was really nice of her and there should be more people like her Red on the other hand was telling very disturbing puns that made you a bit uneasy and was thankful that Mae put his hood over his face to shut him up you were still wondering if those two were going out or something but didn't want to be nosey. Suzy was talking about haggis trying to make you feel sick saying every detail about it you can see why now Mae sometimes calls her stupid. and Slim well he was just drinking syrup(?) trying to ignore Suzys delightful facts about her home country food. You can tell by the low growl you heard come from him almost making you drop your drink when he pushed Suzys face making her fall off her seat. You and Mae tried not to laugh but Red was bursting out laughing whilst Slim had a sly smirk on his face. After lunch you walked with Suzy to your cooking class that you had together " so how you finding your first day at a proper monster school hey Y/N?" she said as she nudged your arm a little " hmm it's going better then I thought it would I met most of the skeleton look alikes already hehe" you said as you laughed a bit Suzy laughed with you " haha yeah they are hard to miss did you know they are all brothers? urrr how do I put this ok lets see all the ones that look like Red have a younger taller brother except for the swaps its urr complicated but you get used to it if you're going to start to hang out with us" Suzy said smiling. You nodded " I would like that you see umm.. I dont really have any friends and I moved schools a lot because of my behaviour towards students but they were all bullies and my grades were going down too because of it.. my parents were getting so worried about me till they saw Tale high ad in the paper and now yeah i'm here heh 8th time lucky hey" you said as you rubbed your arm and realised it was still a touchy subject. Suzy smiled sadly at you and placed her arm around you shoulder " I know the feel mate I have urr a deep secret that troubles me but you dont need to know that! but yeah you are fitting in fine already so i'm sure you will be fine here and no human bullies to pick on you heh there's only four of us here anyway and we are all nice so dont worry your little head mate" Suzy said as you both walked into class you smiled at her and appreciated that she was trying to make you feel better. When you and Suzy got into class Suzy said bye to you when she went to go and sit next to Berry there were three skeletons in your cooking class Berry you met in PE who was talking to Suzy a bit rudely as you can tell when Suzy just rolled her eyes at him and a skeleton that looked like Orange but with a red scarf and had a smile like Blues. There was also another short skeleton the same height as Red and looked like him except for the white pinpricks in his eye sockets and his comforting lazy grin that only had canines and not a row of shark like teeth.

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