Chapter 5: The Beach

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It was finally the weekend you were so excited to spend the weekend with your new friends hell you even did all your homework just so your mum wouldn't bother you over it all you had to do now was to wait for Mae to text you what time shes picking you up you've been waiting all morning for her to text you even though it was only half ten now. You were on your bed lying upside down with your legs on your wall you had your beach bag packed all ready your kitten was next to your head curled up sleeping as you were playing on your DS you really loved playing video games but it would be more fun with two or more players. You jumped when your phone buzzed and your poor kitten jumped off your pillow and went under your bed. You smiled as you let your legs fall to the side of your bed and reached over to the your lamp table and grabbed your phone you had one new message from ~Flower Girl~.

~Flower Girl~: Hi! Y/N will come get you at 11:00 Blue still can't decide what swim shorts to wear he's been choosing for the past hour lol Red and Edge are getting annoyed sorry to keep you waiting promise we won't be long :D

you chuckled at the text Blue was so adorable for his age you texted back an "ok" and checked the time it was now 10:45 so they would be here in fifteen minutes. You put your shoes on and grabbed your bag and went downstairs to wait in the living room your dad was watching football and your mum was in the garden she smiled at you as you grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen " have fun dear at the beach just text or ring if any plans change ok?" you nodded " sure mum I will" you said as you smiled back and walked into the living room. You heard the doorbell ring " I'll get it!" you shouted as you ran to the door and opened it Mae was standing there she was wearing a red crop top and light blue denim shorts with pink dolly shoes with two short pink ribbons going around and up her ankles. She also had the black spike rose choker on and had her usual ponytail that swayed a little in the warm breeze Mae smiled and waved at you " hiya Y/N hehe told you we would be on time Blue finally picked the swim shorts he wanted" Mae said you just giggled and shook your head you looked over her shoulder and saw two jips a black one and a dark blue one you could see Sans with sunglasses on grinning as he waved two fingers at you you waved back awkwardly. Mae linked arms with you " you ready Y/N?" Mae said as she smiled sweetly you nodded " sure am" you both started walking to the jips. You could see now that Red, Edge, Slim and Berry were in the black jip and Sans, Papyrus, Stretch, Blue and Suzy were in the dark blue one. Suzy had her hair in a messy bun it looked really pretty with the blue stripe in her hair she was wearing black short dungarees with a purple crop top underneath and black sunglasses and dolly shoes " hiya lassie" Suzy said as she waved " hey Suzy" you said waving back and smiling. Mae helped you up on the back of the black jip " hehe wow didn't know jips had enough seats for six" Mae giggled a little " yeah well we brought two five seat jips and Red and Sans just added two extras just in case" Mae said with a wink you smiled and nodded " heh clever".

The drive to the beach didn't take long it took about an hour you and Mae were just talking about your favorite things you could also hear Edge and Berry arguing sometimes about curry and lasagna Red was growling to himself as he was driving annoyed about his brother and Berry arguing too loud and Slim well he was just sleeping. When you got to the beach and finally found some parking spaces Red opened the boot door for you well you thought for you he grabbed Mae's hand and helped her out " my flower~" Red bowed and grinned up at Mae she giggled and put her other hand on her cheek " thank you Red" she said as Red kissed her hand and let go of it you were about to get out of the car too till the door flung back up almost making you trip " hey what's the big idea!" you said as you glared at Red he just smirked evilly and chuckled as he shrugged " oops sorry" he said as he walked off to follow Edge. You just grumbled and crossed your arms you figured he was only a gentleman to Mae you were annoyed with yourself a little that you didn't realise sooner Stretch came up to you with an orange sleeveless hoodie and his normal brown shorts on and his orange trainers " sup hun did Red leave ya stranded in the boot Mae and Suzy are waiting for ya by the changing rooms heh" he said with a lazy smile. You glared at Stretch " could you open the door so I can get down please?" Stretch chuckled and opened the boot door for you and helped you down you huffed as you pushed your H/C out your face " thank you Stretch" you said as you grabbed your bag and started walking to Mae and Suzy Stretch just smirked. After you, Mae and Suzy got dressed in your bikinis well you only showed the top half of your swimwear you wore a summer skirt and a sun hat Mae was wearing one of those see thru skirts and Suzy well she didn't give a shit what she looked like she just loved looking cool in her purple crop top and purple bikini wear. " Oh Y/N this is going to be so fun it's nice to spend time with other people me and Suzy dont have many human friends..."Mae said as she linked arms with you and Suzy as you walked to the skeletons you smiled softly at her " me either Mae.." " HAHA thats the spirit lassie dont let yourself down HAHA!". As you three got to the beach you could see Sans was already asleep on a blue towel under an umbrella with his blue swim shorts on and sunglasses Papyrus and Blue were in the rock pool with buckets looking for crabs Edge and Berry were arguing over who can make the biggest sand castle what was with those two arguing all the time? Stretch was sorting the food out and Red and Slim were drooling and staring at you girls you just rolled your eyes Suzy coughed. " Urr boys hello our eyes are up here thanks..." Red and Slim shook there heads " heh sorry sweethearts we just like the bootyful view~" Red said with a pervy grin Slim chuckled Mae just sighed and facepalmed " please Red and Slim behave now Y/N could you go get the towels I left them in the jip Red give her the keys" Mae said as she sat next to Red and Suzy. You nodded " sure thing" Red grumbled as he chucked you the keys " no snoopin around my car kid got it just get the towels and lock the car afterwards" you rolled your eyes " yeah, yeah got it Red" you said as you walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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