Chapter 6

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"What were you attacked by?" Tigerkit asked remembering the she cat said the reason she wasn't with her family and pack was because she had been attacked.

"How did you survive?" Cheetahkit asked going back to the subject of her attack.

"Were you healed before we were born?" Silverkit asked with a tilt of his head. Heavyclaw just looked at them and let Smokepaw take control of the story.

"I was attacked by Eagle. We can get to that later with the part of the history of SmallClan and Shadow. I only survived because Shadow didn't let Night take me with the rest of the kits yet gave me to Tallstalk to heal me. I was just starting to walk again when you were all born. I was there and so was Heatstar. We both helped." Smokepaw explained making all the kits jump with excitement.

"Please continue the history! I want to know how Shadow found the clans again!" Tigerkit squeaked loudly.

"Yea! You were just after you were born. We still have seven moons to catch up on until now!" Silverkit said lashing his tail back and forth in excitement and not anger.

"Can we please return to it?" Cheetahkit asked politely as he looked at the shecat with wide eyes.

"Alright. Well, there is still the other side of the story we need to hear too. I'll continue." Smokepaw said and cleared her throat before continuing. "Shadow had Nut, Feather, and I for the three kits she was helping raise. We were the closest to her and we usually referred to her as mother or mama.

"Around a moon after I was born, Brown and Shadow came up with a plan. I heard it. They were going to go to the clans and figure out if Mud was still alive. Shadow kept saying the stars said his condition was unknown so they didn't know if he was alive or dead. She figured that if they went to the clans that they could figure it out.

"The two went out one night. I didn't go with them but I heard what happened from Brown. They went to the clan, BoneClan, first. The leader, Blossomstar, said that she had heard that Flarestar found a rouge around the same time that they lost him." Smokepaw said before knowing the kits would have more questions since Heavyclaw had said that Flarestar was an insane leader that would have made him fight or killed him.

"I thought Mud was a peaceful tom! How could he have survived?" Silverkit asked with his eyes wide.

"Did they find him alive?" Cheetahkit asked nervously as he curled his tail between his legs scared.

"How would they have found him? Flarestar wouldn't have let them in!" Tigerkit squeaked equally as scared as his brother that was quivering next to him.

"If you would not as so many questions, Smokepaw could finish and you would know how they found him or if they found him." Heavyclaw said with a small hint of annoyance in his voice.

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