Chapter 8

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"Thank you Smokepaw for filling us in with that part. I don't think I need to fill in anything. All of that is right to what I know." Heavyclaw said before looking between the kits. He yawned before seeing Heatstar returning with the other two apprentices. "I better get going and you three should get back to your mother." He said before scampering over the leader. Tigerkit looked to his siblings and then to Smokepaw.

"Thank you for telling us all of that." Tigerkit squeaked like the tiny kit he was. He looked back at his brothers waiting for them.

"Thanks for sitting with us too!" Cheetahkit said. The two were just waiting for Silverkit now.

"Thanks." He muttered before going back toward the nursery not wanting to get involved with the other apprentices or anyone else. The two dark brown toms looked at each other before following their grey brother.

Tigerkit was thinking quietly to himself. Was there something that Silverkit didn't like? Did he simply not like the shecat? He wasn't sure but he also didn't want the budge the tom or he could get clawed. He also didn't want to end up like Bluekit and Flamekit, not even speaking to each other let alone looking at each other. The stopped tom looked between his two brothers and realized he didn't know what to do.

How could he do anything? He got scared when someone older than him was asking him to do something. He was always nervous around the warriors. He was sometimes even nervous around the apprentices! He couldn't do much to fix them. He would have to make himself strong first. He wanted to do it the right way too.

He had to make sure to train extremely hard when he was an apprentice. He would no longer be scared of the other cats. He wanted to be one of the strongest. Even stronger than the leader if he was never one himself. He flicked his tail high in the sky and silently promised to himself that he would achieve his goals. Silverkit would no longer have to be the protector of the family. He could do it!

He knew he could do it. Flamekit could depend on him instead of always going to Silverkit for everything. Cheetahkit could trust him with his secrets instead of Silverkit. Bluekit could help him with the herbs she was learning instead of telling them all to Silverkit. Tigerkit was tired of being the over looked kit of the family. He didn't go to Silverkit. He was never depended on. He was never told any secrets or told about any herbs. He wasn't told anything from Silverkit either and he was sick of it. He wanted to be appreciated.

Tigerkit knew he could do it. He could be the one they depended on if he tried hard enough. He just had to start now and he knew the perfect apprentice to help him with this all. It would be Smokepaw.


Alright guys. I wanted it to be longer but I can't think of anything. The Proud Snow will be up next and then I'm going to sleep. Goodnight everyone.

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