Chapter 15

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The amazing Pentatonix. Hope you enjoy...


Amanda rolled to her side and sighed deeply. In seconds she laid snoring softly. Chezlin's hand slid down Shaun's arm as he dropped to his knees beside the bed.

"I think she's fallen asleep. That must have drained her immensely. I didn't even get a chance to say th-"-Chezlin shook his head.-"I'm not completely cured. The disease is gone, but the damn cravings are back."

Shaun watched as Chezlin bunched the sheet in his fists. His whole body shook as he fought against the cravings.

"On the shelf, the box of Cappuccinos, there is more in there. You need to take it and flush it. Under my shirts, there is a bag in there as well. Under the mattress, under the coffee machine, in the closet. I need to get out of this room. I tried to leave earlier, but she brought me back in here," Chezlin rambled off.

"Take Amanda to my room. I'll ask Charles to help me clean up," Shaun said.

Chezlin stood on shaky legs and raised Amanda into his arms. "I'm sorry, Shaun. I don't know what the hell I was thinking."

"You just take care of my girl as you promised and then we can talk later," Shaun said as he held his bedroom door open from Chezlin.

It took them almost thirty minutes to search through the whole room. Each box of coffee and tea got emptied; Chezlin's bed got stripped and remade; His clothes got pulled from the closet and drawers, until Shaun held seven bags of tablets in his hands. A loud beep emitted from Charles's wrist and his eyes grew as he stared at what looked like a normal man's watch. He flipped the top open and looked up at Shaun.

"No, this can't be happening now. Not while she's here," Shaun said.

"It is, Sir. It's the one that's carrying the last of Master Chezlin's offspring. I guess we found out why they have been getting ill before the term is up. You have the answer in your hands," the old man said.

Shaun bit into his hand, right above the thumb and held it out to Charles. "We don't have time for the usual way. I know you hate the taste, but..."

"We don't have time. Ugokanai de(do not move)," Charles said.

Shaun shivered as he felt the older man's mouth close over his hand. A tingle ran down to Shaun's fingers as he sucked on the wound. The old man's fingernails dug into Shaun's arm when he gagged, but after a few long deep breaths he nodded his bald head. They ran down the grand staircase and Shaun placed his hand on a square screen, beside a steel door. He leaned forward and a red beam scanned his eye. In all his research he found that no matter what you try, the retina's and fingerprints can not be replicated, hence the extreme security measures.

As the door shut behind them, the stairs started moving down to the basement. Shaun repeated the process and another door swung open for them. A scream of pain echoed through the room.

"Doc, somethings wrong with Chrissy. It's not time yet, but she started dilating," a very pregnant red head said.

"Thanks for sounding the alarm. I think I know what the problem is. You can go rest now. I'll take it from here," Shaun said.

"I won't mind if these two will come out now as well. I can hardly walk anymore. They are heavy as hell," she said, waddling to her bed.

"I haven't found the cure yet. Don't be so hasty," Shaun said.

"Cure or not,"-She heaved as she got onto a single bed and closed herself with a duvet.-"I am so ready to get this done. I'm not delusional that I will make it, but I know that Luke will look after them and Mom and Betty will be able to live a normal life. That is all that matters." She ended in a sigh as she leaned back against her pillows.

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