Chapter 45

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Shaun took them up to his office and rubbed his neck, glancing over his shoulder at Amanda.

"Don't judge me when you walk through this door. I had to keep up pretenses," he said before unlocking his door.

He bit the inside of his cheek as she scanned the room. He cringed when he saw his suit jacket that he had carelessly flung onto the couch nearest the door. A few ties lay scattered near a filling cabinet. In general, it looked like a very untidy principle's office.

"It looks bigger from the outside," she said as she ran her fingers over his huge mahogany desk, filled with unmarked term papers.

"It is bigger."-He walked behind his desk and typed a code into a keypad inside the bottom drawer.-"There's a hidden part behind that wall unit," he said and then pushed enter.

The wall slid forward and then sideways, revealing a second room filled with medical equipment and racks of glass bottles containing various specimens.

"That was more what I was expecting to find. A lab inside a lab, not a lecturers office. So, how are we planning on getting Jenna from inside your office?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Again, don't judge me. I don't trust everyone that works for me so I had an elevator installed near the back of the lab. It allows me to get to the different floors undetected and I'm able to watch them at work, without their knowledge. I haven't been near the east wing, in case you were wondering. If I had been, I would have met you sooner," Shaun explained.

"Not that I do not trust any of my fellow scientists, but you should make a plan to get to that side too. Walk in unannounced and see them all jump up from their asses and panic. That reminds me. You will have to find a replacement for me now. Those men that worked under me would be happy to see me leave. Just do me one favour," She said with a sly smile on her face."Get another woman to fill my place. Don't give them the job. They don't deserve it. Lazy bastards."

Shaun chuckled and nodded his head. "I'll let you choose your own replacement. You can have your pick among all the employees, but they have to be as skilled as you are. I might not have seen you before the festival, but I do remember reading your file. The fact that you aced most of your exams and worked on a project I had difficulties completing alone, got you the position. It will be hard to find someone like you again," he said and ran his thumb over her cheek.

"If you two are done boosting each others egos, can we please get to the part where I rip Brathos to pieces?" Luke interrupted.

Amanda must have seen the worry on his face at the mention of Brathos, because she kissed him softly and said, "I can defend myself and the both of you at the same time. I'll be fine. Anyway, there is no way I am staying here when Jenna needs us, so don't ask me to."

"I know you can defend yourself, I just don't want you to have to be in a situation where you need to. You are probably more capable to take care of this than Luke and I together, but I can't deny him the revenge he seeks. He has been denied before and it is long overdue," Shaun said staring at Luke's back.

"Can we go now?" Luke asked.

Shaun led them to a tall wooden cabinet, that looked out of place in the pristine lab. He shoved it aside and pushed his hand over a small screen against a wall. A hiss and then the wall split in two, moving sideways away from each other. They entered the dark elevator and Shaun gave a command for the lights to be turned on before selecting the last unmarked button.

Shaun tapped the railing against the side and looked over at Luke, who stood staring into the mirror beside him. By the vague look in his eyes, he knew Luke was lost in his own thoughts.

The elevator shuddered before the doors hissed open. Shaun held onto Amanda's hand as they stepped out into the darkness.

"You probably won't be able to see much down here, but stay close to me and you should be fine." His voice echoed around them and then he noticed a glow ahead of them.

"That's just another trick I read up on. Lead the way and I'll guide the witch fire," Amanda said.

"Saves me from letting the beast loose. He is way more pissed than I am right now. Lets get to this wearhouse before he takes over and flies there by himself," Luke said.

Shaun took the lead and walked them through the underground passages, before he said, "This will take us to a shaft that comes out behind all the storage units. Chezlin's unit is the largest one at the end, so we will have to remain out of sight until we get there."

Luke went up the shaft first so he could be a look out while Amanda and Shaun followed. As Shaun climbed free of the tunnel, he saw a blinding glare coming from the wearhouse.

"What the hell was that?" Luke asked as the light faded away.

"Guess we will find out soon enough," Shaun said and then sneaked closer to get a better look, with Amanda and Luke following close behind.

While Luke and Amanda took up position on either side of the door, Shaun peeked through the window. He could just make out Jenna tied to a stretcher, that resembled something from a bdsm shop. Her head rolled back and someone gently moved it forward again. He tried to get a better look, but had to drop out of sight when their shadow moved closer to the window.

At the sight of his nod, Luke took a few steps away and ran full speed at the door, bashing into it with his shoulder. The door creaked and shattered from its hinges.

Shaun and Amanda followed and helped Luke up from the floor.

"I knew you would come for her. I was hoping to see you again, Luke." A croaky voice said and then Brathos stepped from behind a cabinet. "Hi Amanda. It's nice to see you in good health."

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