Chapter 73

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Amanda's hand waved in a circle in front of her and then her arm shot upward. She closed her fingers as though she had something in her grip. Brathos, who stood sneering at them, gasped for air and his eyes looked like baked fish eyes. Shaun grinned at the others and wagged his eyebrows.

"Before you shoot at us, I suggest you set those weapons to stun, unless you are ready to die today." Amanda's gazed dropped from Brathos to the two men when she spoke to them.

A gargling sound came from Brathos as Amanda closed her fingers a bit more.

"Pretty lady, please do not take away my chance of killing this one," a much darker, but equally large Luke said.

"Oh, sorry. I was preparing for the shots and them to die by their own hands." She loosened her grip a bit. "I would never take that opportunity from you. Not here," Amanda said and then jerked her hand back.

Brathos shouted in fright and arms and legs wagged in the air, before dust flew up with a loud, "Oof," from Brathos when he landed on the ground. Soft snickers came from the other Chezlin and Luke. Shaun fought hard to keep his face straight, but his lip still twitched a bit.

"Shoot them, you fools. Why are you still standing there?" Brathos said, looking up from the ground.

"I wouldn't do that. Let me make this more visible for you." The forcefield around them lit up with electricity when Amanda touched it. "Those bullets or whatever you are using in those guns will bounce right back at you and kill you were you stand." Sighing she looked over at Luke. "They are going to do something stupid. Take care of them for me?" Amanda asked.

The other Luke smirked and, though he obviously took many steps to get to them, they dropped in less than a second, fast asleep. He raised his eyebrow at Amanda pointing at Brathos, but she shook her head.

"Luke has a debt to settle with him. Calling Chezlin a cripple, hit a sore spot for all of us and though the other Brathos apologised before he died, it didn't really heal the wound," Amanda said.

"Oh, you have to let me help you with this one. He did the same to our Chezlin," Luke said and then a crunch came from Brathos' face as Luke's foot made contact with it.

"Makes it so much easier to punch the life out of him. Grab him. Let's take him to the middle of town to show everyone what happens when they mess with a Drago," Luke said.

They dragged him off, kicking and cussing, and then Amanda waved her hands again. Dust swirled and formed a small tornado before it moved towards the doors, blowing them off their hinges. She walked after it and the tornados dissipated when she lowered her hands.

"Well, well, well. Look who has come back from the dead." a well known voice said from inside. The only difference was that this voice sounded a lot more cocky than the snivelling fool Luke killed.

Amanda gave a very unladylike snort and said, "We could say the same about you, but then you never died. Here. Not yet. You know if you looked like this back home, I..." Amanda shook her head. "No, not even then. I still prefer what I have right now."

When Amanda turned, she winked at Shaun before holding out her hand to the other Shaun.

"Tell Bellator to behave. I love you and no one else," she said mentally.

Shaun nodded and bit the inside of his cheek when the other Shaun took her hand. They shared a brief glance and then Shaun straightened and stepped closer to them, keeping up the appearance as his guard.

"It's all for the greater good and all that junk. Just stay calm. We still have her all to ourselves. It's all just an act for the idiot," Shaun said mentally, to himself and his dragon.

Amanda turned back to Dastiel as Jenna-holding the other Chezlin's hand-and Elizabeth stepped up to stand beside them. Together, with Chezlin and himself walking behind them, they took a few more steps towards Dastiel. A slight shimmer to his left, pulled Shaun's attention off Dastiel.

"Heads up. There are guards hiding behind the pillars," Shaun said to everyone mentally.

Each pillar they passed had an armed guard standing behind it and ahead of them, sitting on either side of the huge, rock throne that Dastiel occupied, sat two dark haired women, with more warts on their faces than skin. Their teeth stuck out, over their bottom lips and when one raised her hand to scratch her head, Shaun saw long, mud crusted nails curling in on themselves.

Shivering at the sight before him, he raised his eyes to the ceiling. The whole room looked like a cave, except for the pillars along the sides. Dastiel, clearly, watched way to many movies back on Earth. The dragon paintings on the ceiling screamed cheesy and suited him at the same time.

His gaze drifted back to the women sitting beside Dastiel, when Amanda said, "Sit your dirty asses down. You don't stand a chance against us."

A warm gust of wind blew around them and then out towards the women, who tripped on their tattered skirts, trying to get up. Two loud cracks echoed through the hall as their heads hit the wall behind Dastiel, who turned to look at them, after doing some kind of summersault. They dropped to the ground and Dastiel stood up from his throne, only to groan and drop to his knees when all three women's eyes glowed purple.

Shaun wished he had access to their minds so he could understand the looks they gave each other.

"In time you will be able to hear us, but they have to accept the change first," Amanda said and turned a huge grin towards him. "I can hear you, but when I speak to them, for now, you can't hear us."

She tilted her head slightly and took a few steps forward, holding her hands up to stop anyone from following.

"You should learn to have manners. I know one... no, three people who would love to teach you some. If you think I will be bated by nasty names, you are so wrong. I've been called worse by fellow colleagues. Ice queen, Cold hearted b... Ugh, I can't say it, but you get what I mean. Being called a egotistical witch is nothing to me. I am a witch, but my ego is not as big as yours. How about... we take you out in front of all your slaves and show them how puny you really are. Oh, did I forget to add how pathetic you are? Mingling with lower class dark witches." She grunted in disgust and look at the other two women.

They joined her and, together, they did the binding spell Shaun saw her use on Ezekiel's wife. The two women shrieked and squirmed around, but Amanda didn't stop. Instead, their arms moved like they were performing a synchronized dance for all to see. When they finally clasped their hands in front of them, the women stopped squirming and soft whimpers could be heard from behind the throne as they tried to hide.

Shaun glanced over his shoulder as the Luke and his doppelganger walked in.

"They won't be performing magic again. Ever!" Jenna said, stretching the last word for emphasis.

"Guards!" Dastiel shouted.

Their feet scrapped against the floor and their armour clanked against the pillars as their stepped out to form a circle around them. Dastiel sneered as he looked at all the weapons pointed at them.

"Luke, would you and-" Amanda spun around waving her arms as blue flares shot towards them.

One after the next, the guards dropped to the smooth stone floor, causing Shaun's ears to ring as their armour clanged against the ground.

"Now look what you made me do! Luke grab this jerk and drag him to the centre of town. Or better yet... Take him to the highest mountain so Shaun can address his people and show them proof of who you are. The rightful kings of the dragons," Amanda shouted.

"How did you find out about that? No one knows. I killed my father to silence him, so how did you find out?" Dastiel said.

"Seems like things are very different here. Luke, now please. We have some questions to answer," Amanda turned and took Shaun's hand, pulling both him and the other Shaun behind her.

Shaun tried to look behind him when he heard a scuffle, but he stumbled over his own feet when Amanda's steps quickened. When they stepped through the doors, Amanda gasped and let go of their hands so she could weave the shield around them again. A line of armed men stood in front of them, weapons buzzing and ready to fire.

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