Chapter 54

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The next morning seemed to fly by as the three men drove around with food platters and dropping people off at the church, ridding to pick up flower arrangements and helping set up the bar for the reception. They chose All Knighters, because of the size. Before Shaun bought it, they used it as a club and left a lot of the equipment behind. It all came in handy, setting the perfect mood for a wedding reception.

Emily had Charles and the staff running around to get the house fixed up for the second reception they planned for the kids. Amanda did not want them mingling with any of the locals, to prevent any talk of who they were and where they came from.

When Shaun finally stood next to his two brothers, all dressed in black suits and different shades of green handkerchiefs in their pockets, he looked out at all the people seated in the church.

To the left, Elizabeth's mother and siblings, some of the locals from the bar and a few ladies of their coven took up the first three rows. To the right, Jenna's class mates, some of Amanda's colleagues and a few of Chezlin's friends took up most of the seats. Charles and Emily sat holding hands, smiling up at them from the front seats and he smiled back.

He hardly knew anyone that came to witness the event and yet, none of it seemed to matter when the music started up and his beautiful full figured brunette walked up the isle wearing a white dress that hugged every curve perfectly, and his special smile that she kept for him alone.

His heart beat so loudly that he could hardly hear the music when she glanced up at him and bit her full pink lip. He wanted to run down and pulled her into his arms, but the slight touch from Luke kept him routed to the spot.

"Soon, big bro. Be patient just this once. This is their moment, not ours," Luke said and then squeezed his shoulder.

When she neared the steps, he held out his hand and led her to their spot in front of the priest. "I knew you would look amazing in that dress, I just did not know how perfect it would be," He whispered.

She dropped her gaze as her cheeks flushed and the priest cleared his throat silence everyone. The twenty minutes he had to endure the first time, seemed like a breeze compared to the long speech the priest made. Each pair had to repeat the vows after the priest and Shaun placed the ring back on her finger, where it belonged. He glanced behind him at Luke, who seemed to have the largest grin plastered to his face as he slid a ring onto Elizabeth's finger. The diamond covered most of her short finger.

The kiss seemed way to brief for him, but he knew that many more would come before the night ended. They congratulated each other and then filed down the isle to exit the church. Charles opened the door to a limo and took off a peaked hat that he must have borrowed from someone.

"Your carriage awaits, your highnesses," he said bowing at the waist.

Shaun helped Amanda slide onto the seat and gathered the train so he could get in after her. The other two helped their wives as well and then they all headed to All Knighters.

Amanda's eyes consumed ever inch of the pub when they walked in. Shaun had asked some of his associates to decorate the place. The tiny fairy lights on the ceiling blinked like stars between huge globes decorated like planets. Paper flowers-because Jenna felt like to many flowers would be cut down to decorate the place-covered the perimeter of the bar and every pillar in the place. Tables were set out in rows so the waiters would be able to walk around and not hinder anyone seated at the tables.

On each table stood a large arrangement and a few bottles of white and red wine; Champaign glasses stood next to place mats with each persons name on it. A small gift wrapped in green tissue paper took up the place where their plates will be placed as soon as the dinner got served.

Over all the place looked magical, enhanced by the shimmering table cloths that Amanda and the girls picked out.

"I didn't think it would look this amazing on such short notice, but this is amazing," Jenna said.

"This is all done to your instructions. The only thing we added were the planets," Shaun said pointing them out.

Once everyone was seated and champaign flowed from bottle to glass, they said their speeches and then the waiters walked in with food for everyone. Shaun only wanted the best for his wife, so he allowed her to choose the menu.

The three ladies lifted their glasses to each other as platters of surf and turf got placed down before them. All three men grinned at the chunks of steaks they were handed, with lobster tails dripping in garlic butter and a mixture of shrimp and prawns on the side.

"You were meant to cater to your taste buds, not ours," Shaun said to Amanda.

"Who the hell said we didn't? Do you think I look like this from eating rabbit food and chicken feed? I happen to love steak and lobster, and since we couldn't decide whether to stick to beef of fish, we chose both. We've also chosen a chocolate fudge cake with a raspberry dripping to finish the meal off, since we probably won't see chocolate again when we leave. Unless we make a plan to take cocoa beans with us so we can grow them there," Amanda said.

Shaun's head snapped up at the same time as the other two men. "Why didn't we think of that?" Shaun said and explained when he saw Amanda's raised eyebrow. "We were talking about all the vegetation and wondered how we could make it taste a bit more like earth vegetables. If we can create a green house up there, we could actually grow the vegetables there. The soil is similar to earth and with a bit of compost, we can make it fertile enough to grow anything we need."

"I love the way your minds work, but can we focus on something more important. The fact that we will probably be on our last when we leave. I am not getting into a small chamber with a belly full of babies, waiting to be frozen," Jenna said.

"We've spoken about that too. We haven't decided yet, but there won't be any difference if we stayed a few more months until you all deliver. The only thing we have to concern ourselves with, is the day we arrive, not the day we depart," Shaun said.

The Dragon's Cure - ShaunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang