Three Numbers, Ch. 1

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"I'm sorry" two words that can mean to very different things, yet both are said during sad times.

I hate those words more then anything, I heard them far to much in my life. Yet there is only one time that it nearly ended it.

2 years ago ~

"Hey" I'm calling out to girl sitting in front of me. She starts to turn around but refuses to take eyes off her phone. "Look up for a second" she looked at and then went right back to her phone.

"I looked, what do you want I'm busy" I just sighed and began to speak "Do you have Dahyun number, I need to talk to her" she nearly dropped her phone before going on a mini rant "Why would you want to talk to her again, it's taken you for ever to get over her"

I turned my head to avoid her gaze. It was like I would turn to stone if I looked her way, so I got up and walked towards the window. "I know but I've been thinking maybe we should try again" I turned around to Chaeyoung, I didn't know when she got up. But she was right in front of me with the most serious face I ever seen.

"Do you not remember what she put you through" I tried to avoid her gaze once more but her eyes keep following me. "Yes, of course I remember how could ever forget" I stared looking out the window again "but I still..." before I could finish she grabbed my shoulder and focused me to look her in the eye.

"Don't say it!!!" I ignored her words "I still love her" she let go of me and stormed off. I followed her as she headed toward the door "Please, Chae I need to see her with my own eyes once more" I grabbed wrist stopping her right before she got to the door. "Do you know how I felt when she broke your heart"

she didn't turn around and just kept staring at the door "My friend, my best friend was going through Hell and I could do nothing about it" I couldn't tell but at that point I think she was crying "I went to her right after you told me" I couldn't believe it "You what?!" She finally turned around and I got look at her face, she was crying so much I don't how she could still talk.

"I went to her to find out why she would put you though this" she wiped her face with her hand before continuing "The more I talked to her the more angry I got" I didn't know any of this, so I stood there in a daze like state listening and trying to understand. "Before she could really tell me why I was already beyond pissed and I couldn't take it anymore I had to leave before I did something I would regret"

she sighed and took out her phone "I just got number yesterday because I knew you ask for it" in somewhat disbelief I said "How would you know I would want to call her?" She looked up from her phone with eyes like glass "I just knew" she look down again and began to gesturing with her hand as if she wanted something "Can I have your phone for a second?"

I reached in to my pocket, pulled out my phone and handed it to her. A few seconds later she handed it back to me. "That is her number and what you do with it is no concern to me. I don't want to have anything to do with this" I looked up at her but she was already halfway out the door. Right before she went though she said "I don't want anything to do with this but if you need me just call and I'll beat the crap out of anyone you want"

we started laughing and then it just went quiet. She left and closed the door behind her, not saying another word. I was left just standing there staring at my phone in silence thinking to my self what now.

After taking a shower and changing my clothes in to something more comfortable. I sat on my couch and started thinking about what I should say. I can't just call her up and ask to come over or something stupid like that. I need to break the ice somehow and kinda of ask in a nonchalant way. After thinking to my for who knows how long I begin dialing her number, after pushing talk I put the phone up to my ear and listened nervously.

A few seconds pass and a girl I didn't know answered "Who is this?" she asks "Hello, I'm Tzuyu Who is this?" I sat up a little waiting for a reply "Hello my name is Nayeon, why are call my phone?" Trying to think of a way to reply she continues "And how did you get my number?" I thought to my self how did I get the wrong number I put in right one didn't I.

As I was lost in my own thoughts the girl on the other end started talking "Well I guess you got wrong number so going to hang up now, goodbye" she hang up before I could reply. Well that didn't go as I planned it not that I would say that I really had a plan to begin with. I put phone down and started staring at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts.

Did I put in wrong? Or did Chae give me the the wrong one on purpose so that I wouldn't be able to call her. As I sat there I began to fall a sleep, today was I very bad day for me. Right before I could fell a sleep my phone starting ringing. I grabbed it and answered in a somewhat irritated way with out even looking at who it was "What?"

The girl on the other end was the last person I thought it would be "Hello Tzuyu it been a while" I don't know if this is destiny or just a sick joke. "I did not expect to hear from you again" I'm somewhat relieved that she called me and that when I tried that time it failed despite what I just said "I been thinking about you lately"

I got what I wanted I should ask her now "You have been I bet your girlfriend not to happy about that" I chickened out, why I did not say what I wanted to say "Me and Sana broke up about month ago she dating Mina now" I haven't seen those two in forever I hope there doing well "How are you doing? Are you ok with me now" I don't know if that a trick question or not "I'm doing ok, I actually wanted to call you so I got your number but it turned out to be wrong one" so I said it there no going back now

"Really I'm so happy you want to call me I'll give you my number and maybe we can chat some time" she read off her number as I wrote it on a small piece a paper, as I looked at it something hit me. It looked almost identical to the one I had except the last three numbers were different. I starting losing my self in my thoughts again as hear her start talking to me

"I'm at work right now and my break is over so I have to go" Some kinda of sadness came over me as I reply "Ok, I'll talk to you later" I heard something in the background I guess there calling her "Sure I'd love that, so I'll talk to you later bye" In a somewhat lower tone Then I was speaking before i told her goodbye and she hang up.

I put my phone back on the table in lay down on the couch. A million thoughts were going through my mind right now as stared at the paper in my hand. Before I knew it I was falling a sleep and all I could dream of was her but there was something wrong as I'm walking with her though the park with my dog.

I see someone coming towards us, I think it's a girl but before I get a good look at her face I'm woken up by a ringing noise coming from my phone I picked it up from the table and answer it. What comes next will change my life forever but I don't know yet it that's a good thing or not.

AN: Yay!!! My very first chapter of my very first story is complete. I don't know if any good and it really shot but please comment and tell me what you think:) Thank you

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