Try, Ch. 9

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I got up and put the dishes into the sink then went to sit back down. "Well that's the end or the ending of the wedding anyway" leaning back in my chair I asked "what about the part where you said a girl named Elkie texted" she seems to be ignoring my question, so I asked another "did we ever get in touch?" now she's just glaring at me "why'd you want to know?" I'm not sure how to answer "why'd you answer my question with another question?" I said while trying to avoid her staring at this point "no you didn't, after the wedding you called her but she had to leave and go back Hong Kong" I turned to her as she answered and began to reply "maybe I should call her, we can do something if she in Japan now" the glaring is back "well I got to work tomorrow but maybe it would good for you to meet an old friend"

She said that with as little emotion as possible "ya I'll call her and see if she's in town" after getting my phone out of my pocket, I started looking for her number, then suddenly it started to ringing. It was Dahyun, I pushed the button on my screen to answer it and put the phone up to my ear. "Hey, what's up?" Nayeon left the room as I waited a few seconds for her to reply "sorry to call so late, just wanted to ask if your busy tomorrow" after thinking a little bit, I answered "no my schedule is empty for a while" my lame joke seems to have fallen flat, because I'm not hearing any laughing "ok, so can you come over to talk" getting up from my chair, I starting walking towards the living room "that should be fine" while in the living room I leaned on the doorway as I waited for her to continue. "Glad to hear that, I'm going to be home all day, so you can come over at anytime" Nayeon was sitting on couch and turned to look me before turning her attention to the tv. "I come around noon then" after saying ok and goodnight, I went to sit down on couch.

"So you got a hold of Elkie?" Putting my phone down on coffee table, I sat back onto the couch "no that was Dahyun, I'm going over to talk with her tomorrow" after watching tv for a while, we decided to go to bed. As we walked up the stairs, Nayeon interlocked are arms and laid her head on my shoulder "do you want me to skip work and come with you to talk to Dahyun?" we reached are room, so let go of me "why?" she went into the room then turned around "because I don't want her to take what's mine" after saying that she walked towards the bed an got in, somewhat ignoring what just happened. I went and got into bed as well, we kissed goodnight and fall asleep.

The sound of alarms and glow of sun, woke me up from my deep sleep. I leaned over to turn off the alarm and then turned to my right, until to find it empty. Ever sense she started going back to work, she always leaves in the early mornings. So I've gotten use to waking up alone, getting up from my bed, I walked to bathroom to wash up and then get ready. After finishing getting ready, I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. But as I got closer to kitchen, the smell of food took over. Walking into the kitchen, I see Dahyun cooking on the stove and Chaeyoung sitting at the table on her phone. "Why does this give me a sense of deja vu?" Chae looked up at me before going right back to her phone "this isn't exactly the first time we've come in uninvited"

After sitting down at the table, Dahyun started putting plates full of food in front of us. "Eat up there's plenty" Chae laid her phone down on the table and started eating. "Why'd you come over so early, I thought we decided on noon at your place" picking up my fork to eat, she walked towards table and sat down. "Nayeon came to are house and asked if we could come now instead of later" after eating breakfast, Dahyun did the dishes. I offered to help her but she refused, saying she should do it. Sense her and Chae, came over without letting her know first.

"I wanted stay longer but I've to go to work" Chaeyoung said as she got up and kissed Dahyun before saying goodbye. I turned around to say bye but didn't get up from chair "so it's just us now" I said before turning back towards Dahyun, she was fidgety and seemed to be really nervous. "You ok? Is there something wrong?" she continued acting weird as she answered "I'm fine, there's just something I need to know" I started to feel like something bad was gonna happen .

"Why are you nice to me?" I'm confused "What?" She got up and started walking around in circles "Why are we friends? after everything I've done to you" is she talking about the past "What do you mean?" she kept moving and refused to sit still "I mean, we were together for five years and I did nothing to make you happy" oh it is the past "You even got hurt because of me and now you can't even remember... what we went through together" she started crying, so I got up and held her as she tried to continue speaking "Everything bad... that has happened in... your life, was my fault!" she push me away "It's wasn't your fault" as backed away, she hit the chair, causing it to fall over "I don't need your sympathy, you're supposed hate me" what is the right thing to do "I would never hate you" she came up and pushed me back "You should, I did everything in my power to get you to hate me"

what is she talking about "Why'd you think I started dating Chaeyoung, I wanted you to hate me and despise me because I couldn't get over you" she talking about random stuff and it's making my head hurt "But now it doesn't even matter" why does this have to happen "I may not know everything, but what I do know is nothing is your fault and do you not love Chae?" this has to end "No, I mean yes! I don't know!" I'm getting angry "Which is it?" I'm sick of me not knowing anything "It started as a way to get over you, but as time went on and my feeling changed for her" we both need to move on "That's good thing isn't it?"

I grabbed her but she refused to look at me "No, because I don't deserve love!" she tried to get away but I wouldn't let her "Why are you treating yourself this way? Don't say things like that and if your in love with her, don't runaway" after saying that, she stopped struggling "She asked me to marry her, but I didn't say anything" I wish we could just move on "Do you want to marry her?" she was crying again, so I pulled her closer and started rubbing her back "...Yes... I love her... but..." don't bring up the past anymore "No! You need to stop living in the past, we both do" before she said anything, I continue talking "We've been so rapid up in are selfs, we started losing sight of what we have now" for now on the past doesn't exist anymore "I'm sorry but I can't let... go..." well the parts, I can never get back are anyway "You don't have to let go of everything, but stop blaming yourself for every bad thing that happened"

she just kept crying while I held her "I'm sorry for everything that happened you and... I did love you" I've known for some time now, Chaeyoung has told me a lot "Let's just let go of the past and start over" maybe it's better that something's don't come back "Ok, but before that happens I want to tell my side of the story" well I guess, I'm going learn more after all, I let go and we sat down at the table "your side?" I said as I got myself prepared to listen "Ya, if you only have one memory of us together, I want it to be a good one" I'm done with trying to remember, but I need to let people help me "What's it about?" maybe my past with her, will help with my future "It's about the day we met and the first time we said I love you" I'm not sure Nayeon is going to be very happy about this but I need to know.

[wanting to forget to move on, only hurts you in the long run]

AN: A friend let me use there internet to update yay :) thank you for that :)

does this chapter contradict what I've wrote before? I can't tell but I think I might have to rewrite this chapter if you don't think it makes sense in context of the storyline, please tell me. Anyway thank you for reading and please comment to leave feedback:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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