Kiss & Never Cry, Ch. 3

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After playing a few random songs I got kinda bored and decided to text Chaeyoung. I got my phone and starting texting her.

To SmolChaeCub

You busy?

To YoTzuda

Boredom has hit, so no

To SmolChaeCub

So I have something to tell you but don't get mad ok

To YoTzuda

Your going on a date with Dahyun right?

To SmolChaeCub

How did you know?

To YoTzuda

She called me and asked for my permission

To SmolChaeCub

What does she think you are my mother, what u say?

To YoTzuda

We talked for awhile, It was nice to talk like good old days

To SmolChaeCub

Ya, I was in my music room when she called. So we sang a song together, it really fun.

To YoTzuda

I remember when we started are band back junior high, the 6 of us thought we be famous lol

To SmolChaeCub

Six? Wasn't it five?

To YoTzuda

You really don't remember her? She had a big crush on you despite being the oldest

To SmolChaeCub

No, what is her name?

To YoTzuda

It's Nayeon, Mina's best friend

To SmolChaeCub

The girl I'm going on a date with? Why did I not remember her?

To YoTzuda

We meet her in junior high but she only really came around when we practiced. She also really shy

[Tzuyu's thoughts] I can't believe I forgot about her, I was really devoted to Dahyun back then if I remember right. So maybe I just never thought about her but I remember Sana and Mina though. Then again we're close friends at the time so that makes sense. As I began to be consumed by my thoughts, my phone buzzed telling me I have a text.

To YoTzuda

Anyway are you really going to try to get Dahyun back? Maybe you should let Nayeon have a chance

To SmolChaeCub

I don't know, after thinking about it... I want to be friends again but I don't know if I should try...

To YoTzuda

I'd love it if we all could be friends and hang out again

To YoTzuda

Just think about and what ever you decide I'll try to be supportive

To SmolChaeCub

You being supportive is funniest thing I heard all day but thanks

To YoTzuda

;.; you so mean to me. But I got to go so bye, talk later

To SmolChaeCub

Bye, :p

I sat up in my chair and put my phone on the table beside me. Maybe she right about all this, I think it's time to move on but I don't know if I can.

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