Human, Ch. 7

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We were watching tv in the living room, when we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I got up and walked through the kitchen to the door, after opening it up. I was very shocked to see my parents standing there "are you just going to stand there? Or invite us in" bring myself back to reality, I gestured for them to come in "of course, please come in" once they were inside I closed the door behind me. Why did they have to come here, as rude as it sounds I was never planning on telling them until after the wedding but Tzuyu doesn't know that because she would be completely against it

"What are you doing in Japan?" He started looking around "I'm here on a business trip and you're mom came with me" he stopped looking around and turned towards me, while mom just followed him "Who is it?" Tzuyu asked from the living room "nobody honey, I'll be there soon" saying that my dad looked at me with his usual emotionless face "who was that?" I've never been good at talking with him, so this was not going to be fun "she's my fiancée, I'm getting married in 2 weeks"

My mom just stood there not saying a word, while my dad grow very angry. Even if his facial expressions didn't change I can tell "when we're you planning to tell us?" I started moving back a little on reflect "you were never going to agree to it, so there was really no point" looking down I saw him gripping his hand into a fist "what about your future? We sent you to Japan to go to school and get a job, not get married to a stranger" what is he talking about? "She not a stranger, we have known each other for a long time" I started raising my voice with out noticing "she not that girl is she?!" So he does remember her, I'm surprised "her name is Tzuyu and yes it is her"

I'm not going to let Tzuyu get involved in this, so I hope they leave soon. There no point in trying to persuade them, when we already know the outcome. "Not only have you been lying to us, you went behind my back and did this" that is completely bs "over the past few days I tried to convince myself that you might be happy for me for once in my life but no, you have not changed one bit" I started walking over to door but was stopped when he grabbed my wrist "how dare you, talk to your father like that" I pulled my arm back to get away but he wouldn't let go "stop acting like you give a sh*t about me!" After finally getting him to let go, I went over to door and open it.

"Please leave my house" I started gesturing for them to go but they just stood there, after a few seconds I shut the door "fine just stay there but this conversation is over!" I walked past them and headed towards the living room but he stopped me again by grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to look at him "we are not down her!" I can't believe the thought ever crossed my mind of let him anyway near my wedding "yes we are, now get the f*ck out of my house!" After saying that I pointing at the door behind them.

Out of nowhere, he slapped me in the face. I put my hand on it and before I knew it, Tzuyu was right beside me. "How dare you!" After saying that she went up to him and punched him in the face. Causing him to fall down and hit the floor, Tzuyu then turned to me "are you ok?" She started examining my face "I'm fine it doesn't even hurt" after reassuring her, she turned back to my dad that lying on the floor with his hand on his face.

"What a disrespectful little girl you are!" Tzuyu started getting angrier "well this little girl is going to kick your ass!" As she was about storm over there I stopped her by grabbing her arm "don't do it" after saying that she looked at me, i shook my head back in forth. She calm down a little and looked back to were my dad was. Dad was trying get with the help of my mom, once he got up he brush off his pants and fixed his jacket. "I should have you arrested for assault but I'm done with this, do whatever you want!" He then walked towards the door and left, slamming it behind him.

I watched as mom started walking to the door, she opened it but before leaving she turned to us. "It may not seem like it but he loves you and cares about you very much" looking towards Tzuyu she continued "I'm leaving my little girl in your hands, please do not disappointed me" she turned and looked at the door "I wish you two all the happiness in the world" after saying that she left, Tzuyu walked over to shut the door. Closing it she came back and hugged me "well that didn't go as I hoped it would" hugging her tighter I laid my head down on her chest as she started rubbing my back "we still need to tell your parents" she started chucking "we have plenty time for that, let's go finish are movie" after she said that I nodding yes and we walked back to the living room.

We sat down on the couch and Tzuyu's phone began ringing, she handed the remote then got up a little to get her phone. Pulling it out of her back pocket, she sat down and answered it "Hello mom" So her mothers calling, maybe we should tell her now "what do you need?" She asked as she learned back "I hear your getting married in 2 weeks" there not talking load so I can't hear what there saying but Tzuyu's face changed to what confused one "who told you that?" Turning towards me, she moved the phone from her ear and covered it with her hand "they know were getting married already" what? How? "When did they find out?" she shrugged her shoulders then said I don't know before taking her hand down and put the phone up to her ear again.

"Nayeon father called and told us about it" she just sat there listening "turns out your father and hers, work at the same company so they have are number" she nodding and saying ok "is she sitting by you? If so can you leave the room why we talk" looking over to me she said "ya sure just give me a minute" taking the phone off her ear she started talking to me "so they found out because you're dad called them and it turns out they know each other because both are dads work at the same company" what a small world this is "she also wants to talk in private, so I'm going to go the kitchen for a few minutes" I said ok and she walked away. Sitting there waiting for her I started getting lost in my own thoughts.

How was she taking the news? Hopefully better then her parents did, even if she didn't forget about that promise we made. Let's just hope they give there blessing or she might be reluctant to go through with it, Tzuyu and her parents are very close. Almost the polar opposite to me and my parents. After what felt like forever, she came back and handed me the phone "she wants to talk you in private" grabbing her phone I said ok and walked over to the kitchen.

Sitting down at the table I took a deep breath and put the phone up to my ear to talk. "Hello" waiting for a reply I started getting really nervous "so first off I'm going to apologize for what happened before and I also want you to know that we will support you all the way" I started tearing up at what she said even if she didn't say much "if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call, we will do are best to help" yep I was definitely crying at this point "that's really all I had to say but we can help with any last minute plans for the wedding" I took my sleeve to whip my face "thank you very much, we both appreciate this greatly"

We said goodbye to each other and hang up, I started walking back to the living room. Once there I sat down on the couch and gave her phone back to her then I laid down putting my head on her lap. Tzuyu started playing with my hair "so how did it go?" I thought already stopped crying "really well" she bent down and looked at my face "why are you crying? Did she say something to you?" Not moving at all I shook my head "no it went really well" we watched tv for while then decided to go to sleep.

The preparations were done and everything was ready, as the days past by with out a problem and before we knew it the big day was finally here.

[the wedding was here and road to happiness just started...]

AN: end of chapter 7, ya I know still no wedding. I wanted to start it in this chapter but it kinda got away from me and I also don't really know how it going to go, happy with no problems or dramatic. But anyway the next update will be all wedding

Thank you for the reading and please comment :)

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