JIminy has no no conscience.

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Warning this is REALLY weird (or so I'm told)

So your probably wondering whats with the title, ill tell you in just amo but fist ill worn you that this may make no cents .

So it all starts when mum gives me a soft toy cat for valentines . I dub the cat Jiminy and as it turns out he has no conscience, More on that soon.  About a month later i decide to introduce him to one of my other soft toys another cat Lola. They immediately fall madly in love and start snogging each others face off.(If that's possible.) I put them tougher (with a chaperon (A baby doll called Rosa.) just to make shore that there's nothing more then kissing going on.) and get on with the rest of my day. when i come back later i decide that its time to separate them. Lola go's back and Jiminy stays where he is . Before Lola go's we have a quick chat. She wants to marry him ,I say that's fine but he has to ask. She says he has and that she said yes but i have to cheek with Brook (Me) first. I say congratulations! but to think it over before telling him because this is sounding to much like Frozen and we all know how that turned out.(And if you don't i wont spoil it for you.)    After Lola is gone i get Rosa to ask her about what happened.But she seems to be sleeping except when i try to wake her she wont stir! I quickly check her over . Shes breathing ,Just . I can just fell a pulse,Just.  I call down the doctors (Mr.Squeakles and Dr.Ted.) and the nurse. by the time they get there shes all but stopped breathing .We hurry to resuscitate her . Just when we think we had lost her she starts again, But is in a coma. We try to work out what could have happened. "This kind of thing has happened before but not as bad." I say.  "What caused it then ?" Dr.Ted asked."A sleeping pill. " I told him what type it was and he turned very pale."what is it doctor?" I asked.He replied " I gave Jiminy some of those yesterday. He said that he was having trouble sleeping.I thought nothing of it." I gasped "This is not good not good.There's only one way to get her out of the coma (imagination RPG(in my head)) and the sooner the better."  As it was it toke almost an hour to get her out.  By the time i had finished she was responding to me so i stopped playing and hugd her tight. i managed to get her to answer a few questions before letting the doctors do there work.  Apparently Jiminy had given her a glass of milk that hadn't tasted quite right. When she had mentioned it he said that it was goats milk.  Lola herd everything that Rosa said .Wile this was happening Jiminy was out walking when he got back i brought him threw to a room where Mr.Squeakles and Dr.Ted where waiting and sat him down.  We confronted him with what we new. At first he denied it but when threatened with banishment He confessed. Rosa's on the way to a full recovery and Jiminy has been imprisoned in the T-shirt draw until further notice. Lola was Hart broken but has her eye on another . And Spent the next 4 and a half hours typing everything up so that You can read it!

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