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I am sad today. I am also in the dog house. Why? Beacoase I talk to much. (and it's Thursday. )  WHY MUM, WHY! All I wont is a proper conversation! I was just talking to dad and you chase me out of the lounge. I haven't seen dad all day and I just wanted to talk. ARGGG. He is the only one who has time to just talk about nothing important. I know that your busy, but you could at least let me talk to dad. He just listens. He let's me talk about anything, he adds his two piece if he has something to say, but mainly just let's me go on and on about what ever crap the that is on my mind.  I get that your ALWAYS busy with grandma and my brothers and Kim. Just let me talk. I don't have any friends that I can talk to like that. Only dad.  =/

Some thing funny happed today...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum