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You sat at the table drawing before you were picked up by a familiar women "How is my (Y/N)?" You smiled seeing the women with blonde hair put up in a ponytail "Mom! Do the one thing!" she laughed a bit "Ok"

You were uncontrollably laughing as Mercy spun around with you. Her white wings now glowed yellow and she was flying. You loved it when she did that with her wings. "Having fun?" You nodded. You two landed but she still had the yellow light coming from her wings. She kissed your forehead and whispered "May you be smiled upon" you looked up at her confused "Mommy... What was that?" she smiled down at you "it's was a charm, now you are forever blessed with happiness. You make the charm work when you kiss someone's forehead and say something you want them to be gifted with" you nod smiling.

You ran around base trying to find McCree and when you did you smiled "Hey (Y/N) what's up" "Lean down for a minute" he rolled his eyes but obeyed. You kissed his forehead and smiled "May you be smiled upon!" he ruffled your hair smiling before getting up and leaving. You did this too other people for hours Hanzo's reaction was adorable because after you did it he hugged you tight again something he never does.

That night 76 put you in bed and he smiled down at you "Dad lean down for a minute" he did as told and you kissed his forehead and whispered "May you be smiled upon" he smiled "You too little soldier"


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