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You sat on the training room floor with Tracer, Junkrat and Hana. You four watched a woman with pink hair lifting a large amount of weight. You were completely amazed. She walked over and smiled down at you "Hello there little one, you seem impressed" you nodded excitedly "If you keep working at it maybe one day you'll be as strong as me" she said smirking "Could I maybe help you" you said shyly she nodded.

You sat on her back as she did push ups she did them effortlessly. After a few minutes you were hanging from her arm again it was like she wasn't trying the other three wanted to see how much she could stand.

All four of you sat on her back as she continued to do push ups she was sweating a little but not much "Zarya your so strong!" You chirped. Junkrat frowned "How in world are you not tired Zarya?" Tracer smiled big "There is no one like you Zarya!" Hana giggled while playing on her phone.

After a hour of this she sat down and wiped her forehead "That was quite the workout"

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