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       Nineteen years ago, in the outskirts of the Alamko city, a handsome young man named Magnus Straussman, lived alone in a cottage a few metres away from a forest. He spent most of his time hunting, for a living. Magnus was a sniper, if anything moves a kilometer away, he can hear it. He can feel it. Amazingly, he can hit every single piece of meat right in their eye. Everyday he would travel to the market to sell them, eventhough he reeks and his clothing were soaked in sweat, every woman he passes by would look at him and his muscular body in overflowing lust.

     One day, at the market, he met a beautiful girl, Ada. Slender, blonde, big breasts and long legs. Not to mention she had the most fertile birthing hips anyone could have laid eyes on. He thought Ada was the perfect girl , eventhough everyone's telling him she's a whore.

       "I don't want to spend all my life in a filthy cottage, Magnus. Besides, I already have wealthy dirty old man asking for my hand in marriage." Ada told him snottily, turning to a man in an expensive suit. These words pierced his soul and crushed his heart. He came home angry and devastated ,for all his plans, dreams with Ada were now sucked into a black hole. How stupid he was to fall for a gold digger! To release all the emotions stored in his heart, he decided to grab his weapons and hunt in the forest. For every squirrel he shot, a minute part of his anger dissipitated.

       Two weeks later, he shot an unsuspecting deer while hunting. When the smoke from the rifle disappeared, he heard applause sounding from behind him. He turned around, startled.

       "Job well done, boy!" An old man exclaimed. The kindly stranger introduced himself and his daughter Mia, whom he was teaching how to hunt. Magnus soon fell in love with her glossy brown curls, rosy cheeks, red lips and fair skin. On knowing that, he promised to wed her to Magnus even though he knew that Mia was in love with someone else.

        They married, but Mia never loved him back. On May the 26th in the following year, when Magnus was coming home from hunting, he saw a rattan basket waiting for him at the door. In it, lay a white blanket which moved slightly every now and then. Magnus slowly reached for the card beside the blanket. He opened it and it read:

                  " Magnus, he is your child. I already have six children to feed. Take him. Ada."

          He carefully lifted the blanket and saw a baby boy. The baby stopped squirming at once and grinned widely, showing a toothless mouth. A smile grew on Magnus' face as he lifted the boy up and said, " I shall call you Hansel*."


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