What happens?

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Since I will not be continuing the story, I should tell you what happenes. Aya and Izaya leave to America, they create a gang and destroy, Mikados life and Kira's life. Aya and Izaya face some fun problems like taking about periods, boys, and having the talk.

We see Izaya's crazy fun side along with Aya's Playful loving pyro. She does keep the cat and Noir watches tv all day.

Izaya and Aya bond some more with fun moments. Izaya finds a love interest and Aya does her own thing. They eventually go back to Japan but, Izaya and the Dragon Zombies rule the city. Aya is seen as the princess of Japan.

That's about it. We see her turn 18 go drinking and goes around traveling the world. Selling her services as a mercenary making her dad proud. She will continue the Orihara bloodline going and spread around information like her father.

The End

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