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I walked myself to school to avoid unwanted attention. I went to dad's high school Raira . Me being 12 and at a high school the older kids gave me strange looks.

But being the daughter if a maniac people tend to stay way from me. I could careless though sometimes I hear teenage girls talk about me they get a fist in their face.

The teachers think I will do what they say but really there all just stupid humans. But there is one human I like she's not to bad. Her name was Sora or miss.Marine she was my school teacher she was very nice I liked her she new how to take a joke and tell some good ones.

Sometimes I would say after school to just talk. I think she would be a great mom. I hope she gets married with the right guy. But according to my dad I have a mom but she's very busy.

I skipped school and was walking around the city. I then see masaomi I think I was going to troll with him.

"Hello kida how's your girlfriend?" I give him a sly smile

He frowns at me," Hi Aya."

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