The squeaking of shoes filled the air and voices of encouragement from the fellow teammates echoed throughout the court. Sweat trickled down the sides of Hinata's pale face. His orange-colored hair stuck to his forehead as his feet left the ground. His hand roughly made impact on the ball in front of him, which Kageyama had set for him.

The ginger landed on his feet agilely and quickly sprinted to the other side of the gym as another ball was tossed into the air. Hinata could feel his chest sting in pain from the tightness of his binder. His breathing became wheezy and more shallow as his walking became staggered steps. Hinata fell to the ground, clutching onto his chest while whimpering.

"Hinata, are you okay?" Sugawara asked rushing over to the fallen ginger.

Kageyama glanced towards the fallen boy, worry glinting in his eyes. Hinata groaned in agony. His team filed around him, panic evident on their faces. Daichi carefully picked him up and escorted the smaller boy off the court.
Their coach, Ukai, stood up. "The rest of practice is cancelled for today. Now let's attend to Hinata."

Kageyama stood over the smaller boy who was barely conscious and reached down to remove his shirt. Hinata swatted his hand away a blush burning his face.

"Idiot what are you doing?" Kageyama shouted, his features creating his classic angry face.

"I-I...I'm fine...thank you," Hinata mumbled bashfully, his eyes intently staring into the ground.
"Are y-you sure?" Takeda stammered.

Hinata nodded slowly, before shakily standing up. His legs wobbled and his head spun rapidly. He stumbled towards the exit and hopped onto his bike. He began pedalling towards his home before he heard Kageyama's voice from the distance.

"Be careful, you idiot!"

"I will!" Hinata immediately replied before disappearing from Kageyama's sight.

His head pounded painfully, but he endured it as the lights of his home came into view. Hinata leaned his bike against the side of his house before sneaking in from the backdoor. He made a beeline for his room and he grabbed random items of clothing before entering the bathroom. He pulled his club uniform over his head and stared at himself in the mirror. The white compression cloth tightly squeezed at his chest and he felt relieved when he removed it. He eyed the mirror again and a pained feeling made his heart ache.

His b-cup boobs made him insecure and the guilt of lying gnawed at his stomach. "I know I'm lying for a good reason, but why does it hurt so much?" Hinata whispered, wiping the stray tears that slid down his face.

He shook his head and dejectedly entered the shower. The warm water eased the tension that settled within his muscles. Hinata heard his phone ding with a notification. He ignored it and continued on with his shower.

Should I tell them? How would they react if I did? Would they accept me? Would Kageyama accept me? I wonder if Kageyama would be mad?

Hinata turned the knob and exited the shower. The small ginger dried himself off before sliding into his boxers.
He immediately grabbed his dinging phone and scanned the long list of notifications. Most of them were from Kageyama.

[21:24] Kageyama: Idiot! Why aren't you responding?

[21: 26] Kageyama: You better have not passed out on your way home...

[21:30] Kageyama: If you don't answer I will go to your house.

[21:32] Kageyama: That's it, I'm going to your house.

[21:40] Sugawara: Are you okay? Kageyama is worried.

[21:50] Kageyama: Idiot...I just got to your up.

[21:52] Kageyama: Are you even home? You better have not passed out, dumbass.

Hinata's eyes widened as the sound of footsteps echoed from outside his door.

"Hinata?" Kageyama's voice emitted from the other side of the door.

Hinata saw as the knob slowly turned. He threw the comforter on top of himself as Kageyama entered the room.

"You fucking dumbass! You can't just do that! I've been texting you this whole time and you said nothing! You can't just not respond when I'm texting! You have to answer me!"

Hinata gulped and averted his eyes. "Um, sorry..."

Kageyama scowled and turned his head. "Idiot...I'm going to leave."

Hinata nodded before calling "good night! Have a safe trip home!"

Kageyama yelled back. "I wouldn't have to walk home if I wasn't worrying about you, idiot!"

[22:10] Kageyama: I hate you, shithead. Now respond this time!

[22:15] Kageyama: Are you fucking stupid?

[22:16] Hinata: No, what do you want?

[22:18] Kageyama: Goodnight

[22:20] Hinata: Uh, goodnight?

Hinata sighed before curling up and falling into a blissful slumber.

Kageyama stared at the words he had typed. He shook his head and erased them before setting his phone down and grabbing his volleyball. He tossed it up into the air, his mind swarming with thoughts.

Hinata was acting strange...

The dark-haired boy sighed before falling asleep, hands still clutched onto the striped ball.

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