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"So in the end, what you're trying to tell me is that you were born female, but identifies as male?" Kageyama asked, his voice an inaudible whisper in the buzzing night.

Hinata gulped. His face felt hot and a pink tint stained his cheeks. "Y-yeah...basically..."

A chuckle escaped the setter's lips and he placed his tan hand against his face. His slender fingers covered his dark eyes as the bubbly sounds that secretly held a sense of shock, evaded his mouth.

Hinata stopped, his eyes widening in fear as sweat pooled from the pores on his forehead and hands. "Kageyama...are y-you oka-kay?"

"I'm's not my fault I made the mistake falling for you..."

In that moment it felt as if the world blurred around the two boys. Hinata felt as if the world was suddenly placed upon his shoulder, and he was desperately struggling to stay up right.

"I...." Hinata's voice cracked. His chest felt heavy while his throat tightened as if someone was choking him. If he wasn't going to die from asphyxiation, he would surely die from the crippling anxiety that swallowed him like a raging sea.

His tongue which was as dry as the arid air within a desert, was tied in a knot as he fumbled mentally on the words he should say. His mind was a blank slate, yet it was also swarming with fear. He was a person exposed in a spotlight, his naked body being examined by the most of judgmental of people.

"And I guess it's not your fault you were born the way you were...I guess..." Kageyama sputtered out, the slight hint of spite barely audible in his tone.

Hinata didn't know whether to feel relived or offended. "I'm so-sorry?" He stuttered, cheeks a bright shade of pink from embarrassment.

Kageyama playfully punched Hinata in the shoulder.

"Ow!" Hinata hissed and immediately clutched his injured shoulder, a pout playing on his lips.

"Jeez, you're so sensitive...dumbass."

Hinata wrapped his arms around Kageyama's toned waist. A smile danced upon his lips and he pat the orange-haired boy.

The two sauntered around, the buzzing of the cicadas filling the air. The crickets chirped as their quiet steps thumped against the ground.

Kageyama suddenly stopped, forcing Hinata to turn to the taller male. "What's the matter, Kageya—"

The setter suddenly tilted Hinata's chin. He leaned down and smoothly placed his lips against the decoy.

Shock consumed the shorter boy, but almost immediately he closed his eyes. He moved his lips in sync to the setter's.

Kageyama pulled away, a small smile playing on his lips. Before he could begin speaking, Hinata ruined the moment. Voicing his thoughts about how the team will be worried due to their lengthy absence.

Kageyama facepalmed, but couldn't help but internally smile at the boy before him. He felt giddy, just being near the boy he liked made his heart flutter in his chest.

The two made their journey back towards the gym. Little did they know, the whole team was listening in on their whole conversation.

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