Chapter 9

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Autumns POV

We arrived at a big building where magcon was being held at we got taken into a back entrance

There was couches and food and games, we still had 45 minuites until it started

I could see Karina flirting with Nash and they seemed so happy together I smiled and went to find cam

Cam was laying on a couch watching some movie, "hey cam"! I said sitting on his legs "hey autumn, and do you really need to sit on me?" I giggled " um cam I need to talk to you about something, I mean I need your advice" I said nervously "sure what's up" he said sitting up beside me "Taylor asked me out, and I'm really nervous" I spilled "your going out with Taylor! You like him don't you!" He practically yelled "cam shutup everyone's going to hear you" I said pushing him "hah sorry" he said giving me a cute puppy dog face

"Ok well I think I do like him, I'm so nervous what if it doesn't go good or he doesn't like me!" "don't worry just be yourself and I'm sure he will love you" " thanks cam" I said giving him a strong hug

"Come on magcon is about to start!" Bart yelled "ok see you later you guys can hang back stage if you want" cam said " oh it's ok we will go with the rest of the screaming girl haha"

"Karina let's go " I said pulling her away from Nash and to where all the girl are

The rest of the day the boys spent fooling around on stage playing music and taking pictures with fans me and Karina left early and went back to the hotel

I got a text from Taylor

T- hey me and some of the boys are going to the beach should be back before our date.

A- sure see you then :)

I decided to start getting ready I took a shower shaving and washing my hair with coconut scented shampoo

I got a text from jack g asking if I want. To hang out and saying he didn't go to the beach, me and jack have been hanging out and were great friends actually

A- just come to my room and just like sit on my couch and wait I will be out in a couple minuites

J- ok see u soon

I dried myself off and blow dried my long brown hair putting on simple natural makeup brown eyeliner light brown eyeshadow and dark black mascara to highlight my blue eyes and also applying foundation

I remembered I didn't bring clothes in so I had to pick something out of my suitcase in my room so I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out

Jack was sitting on my bed looking at his phone he looked at me and made a really surprised face and kept staring at me

"Um sorry I have to pick out some clothes " I said awkwardly " oh um ok autumn" he said smirking at me I just gave him a weird look and grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom and got changed

Autumns outfit:

- grey ripped short shorts

- black and white leopard print crop top with no sleeves

-dark purple sports bra

- light blue vans

I curled my hair and pinned a strand of hair on each side back with a fake diamond clip.

I looked in the mirror one last time and walked out " wow you look amazing" jack said "thanks jackkkk " I said blushing sat on my bed beside him and put my legs across his stomach man he was toned I went on Twitter and looked at Taylor's account his latest tweet said "kissing random girls on the lips" and a picture of him with some girls in bikinis and him grabbing one of there butts I didn't realize i was crying until I felt a tear slip down my cheek how could he I whispered to myself jack looked over at me "autumn are you ok" "um ya " I said wiping a tear off my face

But I couldn't stop them and I started crying " autumn you are not okay!" jack said coming over and holding me while I was crying I must have stayed like that for an hour just laying in jacks arms sobbing " I I can't believe it" I said my voice cracking " I actually liked him how could he do this he's such a jerk!" I said starting to get mad, he led me on and acted like he liked me And I really thought he liked me "who who's a jerk who did this to you?" jack whispered sending chills down my body "Taylor, um he kissed my last night then asked me out and I I actually liked him a lot and I thought he liked me too" I said crying a little bit harder then a showed him the tweet and the picture "autumn I'm so sorry" he said looking hurt " I should have warned you Taylor always uses girls and it makes me so mad" he said standing up "jack it's ok don't say anything ok?" I said " ok, I won't" he said still looking really pissed off " thanks for making me feel better your the best" I said hugging him he smiled shyly " ok I got to go you gonna be ok?" He said " ya" I said giving him a weak smile

I cried for a while longer then decided to text Taylor

A- don't bother coming by for our 'date' I don't feel like it just don't talk to me or come see me ok whatever we had between us is done Taylor.

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