The Phantom of the Opera

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Author's Note:

This is a song written to the tune of the above video, Sabaton's "Carolus Rex (English Version)." For best effect listen to that first. The similarities between King Charles XII and Erik are quite startling... both were ruthless in their actions, and were incredibly cold except for one thing (Charles loved war, Erik loved Christine).

They all fear me

Me and my bone-white mask

Many years I have been waiting

For one who will not run

No interference

This I will not tolerate

For I have waited so long

For one such as her

Vicomte de Chagny or me, choose one

Do what must be done

Love me now

Or lose Raoul

The most beautiful voice

I am her Angel of Music

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

I am the Phantom

Tremble at my visage

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

There is no question

I shall always have victory

No manager can order me

I answer to myself alone

Hear my demands

Mock me and die

All you are under my thrall

Now watch the counterweight fall

I have always lived alone

Always loved by none

Death's head

Mask of the Red Death

The most beautiful voice

I am her Angel of Music

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

I am the Phantom

Tremble at my visage

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

Don Juan Triumphant

You won't, you can't

Hear my masterpiece

Eric's secrets belong to no one but himself

Faith links thee

To me

Forever and a day

Christine Daaé, my eternal love

For you see

They fear me

And my Iron Tree

Enter my house and beware

Scorpion or Grasshopper, choose one

Life or life undone

Love me now

Or rest forever

The most beautiful voice

I am her Angel of Music

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

A golden ring

I am the Phantom

Tremble at my visage

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

A golden ring

Hear Erik sing

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