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Companion piece to The Secret Eaters.

Out from beyond the reaches of our kind

Hidden signals and mechanical eyes

A race unknown planning demise

Transmission alert on the bridge

A foreign message incoming

Then the chorus begins to sing

Screaming and howling

Ending in a burst of binary

Heading towards the world library

Then another message

'We are the Cryptovore'

Will this spell peace or war?

Ship goes to defensive mode

To protect its computer cargo

Trailed by a harsh orange glow

Then it board the ship

A sentient machine

Shining with a cobalt sheen

Information drained from the mind

The bodies left dead and cold

Like a vampire tale of old

One by one the crew and guards fall

Leaving a handful to try to stay alive

Led by a sergeant to survive

The sergeant proposes a plan

Sonic weapons will not damage

But a reactor core should manage

She sends the rest to the escape pods

This fight alone she shall win

Or die through the machinery's din

To the bowels of the ship she goes

Luring the machine with the databank

Under a coolant storage tank

She cuts open the metal container

Freezing the machine in its tracks

As the pods launch the ice cracks

Hurriedly the sergeant disables the core

Meltdown initiated, five minutes counting

Now to escape, a task quite daunting

She makes it as the ice finally breaks

Launching, three, two, one, go

As the transport explodes into crimson snow

Safe, the sergeant thinks

But she didn't pick up one message

A call for help beamed from the wreckage

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