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I return from my restless sleep
Awake and hunting but not living
One thing controls my mind
Vengeance on those who killed me
Their souls and bodies I shall reap

Ghost, specter, undead, revenant
All of these blend together for me
I have returned from the pit
United with my old decaying bones
To avenge what a spirit alone can’t

They think they can escape me
Me of bone and phantom soul
But little do they know
Black revenge empowers this form
My killers, my anger lets me see

Like cold dominoes they fall
I hunt them down, one by one
At last my goal has been reached
My lust for blood now sated
As I consume them all

I have succeeded in my quest
Cut down those who killed me
So many years ago
Back to the grave I go once more
Into the earth I go to rest

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