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Note: Selah is based on several verses and chapters in the Bible, rewritten and combined. The aforementioned scriptures are: Psalm 88, Isaiah 9:2 and Isaiah 13:10. Biblical credits go to Heman the Ezrahite, the Sons of Korah and Isaiah the Prophet.

I believe that my idea for the name originated from the first (and only) album also called Selah, by the Christian metal band known as Oracle. Pretty cool album, by the way, although I prefer Ordained Fate's demo anthology. I envision this as a fast-paced, heavy thrash/power song, sort of Theocracy/ReinXeed meets Megadeth. Ah, if I can ever get a band together...

Those that walk in darkness have seen the light;

Upon those that walk through the valley of the shadow of death, a light has dawned

Hurled down with the slain who lie in the grave

Remembered no more and gone from man's sight

I have been cast down to the pit of darkness below

Wrath comes down as the sea's harshest wave

I call to you, oh Lord, at the break of every day

I spread my hands out towards You for rescue

Do you show your wondrous power to the dead?

Do the spirits rise, reach up and pray?

The stars of the heavens hold back their light

The risen sun stands darkened over my head

The earth is dark and brittle beneath my feet

The silver moon refuses to brighten the night

Is your righteousness known in the deep of Abaddon?

Are your wonders only known in the dark of night?

And so I cry out to You for salvation, oh Lord

For I know you will pull me out from my abandon

You raise up the fallen and those lost in despair

Forging the weak anew, stronger and brighter than steel

Across the barren world, You bring life to the broken

Like the silent wind, Your spirit dwells everywhere

Darkness and evil were my dearest friends

They wrapped their foul talons around my neck

But you lifted me out from the flood of shadow

Pulled me out and set a time for their end

Your hand reaches over the waters of the sea

The heavens and earth declare Your glory to all

Justice, mercy and truth make up Your throne

Before you I kneel, head bowed over bent knee

The stars of the heavens bless me with their light

The risen sun stands in brilliance over my head

The earth is alive and lush beneath my feet

The silver moon casts a glow to the beautiful night



The stars of the heavens bless me with their light

The risen sun stands in brilliance over my head

The earth is alive and lush beneath my feet

The silver moon casts a glow to the beautiful night



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