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School is like a surviving mystery. You never know what's gonna come next. Its like learning how to survive on your own; learning how to survive living with snakes. No weapons. No friends. Just you. Unless for some reason you meet somebody , even then it's still hard ; but you'd at least be fighting with somebody by your side; somebody who'd fight for you, and with you , when you just aren't your self anymore. When your mind gets captivated by spells of words, you begin to accept the fact that : Things just aren't going to change. Life begins to be your biggest fear. Doubtfulness begins to overtake your life. I don't like to call it a "disorder" I like to call it "the small voice". It decides when it wants to mess with you. If you really think about it, it's like a bully itself. It determines your thought process for the day. It likes to scramble words around your mind to trick you; Sort of like mind games; so you start to play games with it. He's sort of like an everlasting cut, you can heal him, but he will always come back no matter how many bandages of love you put on him. Somehow , people's words get to his brain and triggers him to throw darkness at the mirror , reflecting all back to his holder; that holder just happens to be me.

MidStuck // 7th grade Where stories live. Discover now