Chapter 3

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You'd think kids would be the only huge problem in a school right? Wrong. I had this crazy teacher, when I say crazy, I mean crazy. She would get so mad , at the point where she would cuss us all out. I didn't care for her , and she didn't care for me.
This one day, there was a tornado warning, I started panicking. I was staring out the window for a while. My teacher called my mother and told her I was a huge distraction to the classroom. She even took my phone, I wasn't even using it, obviously I took it back. She would never let us use the bathroom, and even threatened not to take us to lunch.
Okay, yes . That isn't that bad; but did you ever have a teacher who threw things at you? Maybe you've had a pencil tossed at you? Have you ever had a text book thrown at you? Or a desk flipped? Or even maybe a chair? All of this happened. She constantly threw things at us. I hated all the decisions she made; but my Chorus teacher, I hated the most. He was the huge reason I didn't get into my dream high school.
Ever since I was little I've always wanted to get into this academy. It was my dream plan, I was for sure I would get it because I had the academics, attendance, behavior, personality, and skill for it. When I was little I started attending plays. I loved the thought of it, so I started doing them. When I'm on stage , I feel like I can be a completely different person, and I can't get judged. It really kept my mind off of things. When I'm on stage, it's a different world. I can be who I want , and no one can judge me. Ever since I started doing plays, I loved them.

It was time for my audition to this school, I was so nervous. I studied all my lines for this audition. My best friend was there with me, which made me more confident , I was happy she could be there. I had to sit down for about an hour and wait until it was time to go. When I walked onto stage, chills scrawled up my spine , but I shook it off. I introduced myself and started the monologue. Once I finished the monologue, they gave me a script to practice with one of the high schoolers .
We practiced this script for about 15 minutes then went to perform. They gave me different scenarios; I had to be extremely happy, or extremely sad. I think I did really good. Afterwards, I had a little interview and that was about it.
Around a week later , i received a letter. My mom came unto my room and told me the news I've been waiting my whole life for. I did not get into my dream school. I was on the phone with Thalia. I cried for a hour. I had no idea why I didn't get in. I was devastated; I put in all of this work. I had all A's , perfect attendance; I stressed my whole entire life for this moment. This was my chorus teachers fault; he never turned in my recommendation.
At least, i have a secondary plan. I met this boy in kindergarten, his name is Roger. He is my favorite guy I've ever met. Me and him are definitely going to make a gaming company when we get older. That's my whole life plan. He is going to be a huge part of my future.

MidStuck // 7th grade Where stories live. Discover now