4-- NVM

588 29 24

??? Pov

"She's damaged pretty badly." I frowned, peering at the patient. The entire right half of her face had been burned off, and her left arm had been removed completely. "Can you pass me the mechanical parts box?" I turned around, glancing toward my little helper. She turned toward me, her green eye lightening up at the mention of actually doing something. Her long hair swayed as she stood up, it being half and half. Pink, and black. "Diana?" I smiled. She smiled broadly, her gorgeous pink dress flowing around as she spun, walking to the cluttered shelves.

I looked back at my new patient. Her h/l, h/c hair was strewn along the bed, the right half of her hair slightly burned off. I'd need to get some more donations, or just give her more of mine. Dyed, maybe to fit her actual colour. I checked out her eye, slightly opening it to see it scorched and being burned away by the acid.

"Well, we'll need to replace that, too." I sighed. Diana came back, skipping and smiling as always. "Thank you, D!" I grinned, showing that I wasn't too stressed. "Thanks, sweetheart! Now this might be a little gross, so you don't have to look." I grinned. She continued to smile and looked away, her grin faltering. The stitches around her mouth fastened her grin in place.

I turned back to the patient, pulling out my scalpel. This is gonna take a while.


"Can you go get the scissors?" I asked Diana, as she scurried off to find the hair dressing scissors. Of course, I needed to use my hair as a sort of extension and replacement. As I poured the h/c coloured dye into the pot (clearly author has never seen people dye hair before) and waited for Diana to come back.

As she strode in, she carried a small dark bag in her hands, cradling it close to her. "Thanks, D!" I grinned childishly, taking the bag and unzipping it, finding the silver tool sitting alone. Grasping it in my hands, I began to cut my long plait. I didn't take much care in precision, just cut at much as I wanted. Diana watched in horror as all my dark brown hair soon was shorten majorly. 'M-Miss!' Her soft, sweet voice echoed through my head.  I smiled mischieviously, dumping the plait in the dye pot. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~im skipping my truggle

"Well, now she has her wondrous locks!" I smiled. Diana attempted to frown at me, only to smile wider. "Now, I guess we could just do that thing that--" 


Diana and I both glanced around frantically, terrified from the unknown voice echoing around us. I noticed the world slowly dematerialising around us as my view was drenched in a bright white slate. Author chan laughed as she did squats atop a car and ate KFC.

S-so clearly the bold never happened! It has ABSOLUTELY NO significance relating to the story. However, the next message really DOES.

I am... *sadness* going on... a... a break! A HIATUS!

This isn't probably a shock to all of you, but this is kinda a spoiler for the next chapter. Yeah, this was a W.I.P. However, I will be back online by the time approximately three to four weeks. Yes, a long time, but I need to go visit my father and other family members in regards to our next summoning. Just kidding! That's next holidays! I'm going down to see them for the 1/6 time per year, so I only really get to see them sometimes. Unfortunately, I won't be able to upload. You can still message me, or correct me on anything i've done wrong, but yeah. :C

I hope you all understand! ;CCC


-Chili Doge

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