*-* Moments That Last *-*

76 7 13

Y/n's POV

"Hey Sophia." I called. She rushed over, immediately strangling me with measuring tape. "H-hey! Greet me first, please?" I laughed. She giggled slightly, but reverted back into her little crafting room. Whatever she was making, I am NOT allowed to go in there.

I walked outside, deciding to take the car to find Molly. Maybe she has something I can help with.


"Hey Molly, you in there?" I called, knocking lightly on the door. As it opened, Molly stepped out. She was covered in dust, loose strings and small pins, making me giggle slightly at her bemused expression.

"Hello, Y/n. I was about to call you for assistance. I need a body to use." She dragged me inside without another word and began to use me as a mannequin. I sighed as she draped me in soft fabrics, tying ribbons around the sleeves and waist. The theme was presumably blue. I shrugged it off and let her do her thing, zoning out to think.

Mini wasn't able to talk today, which was okay.

Sophia was acting strange, but that's alright. She's usually like that.

Diana didn't want to hang out LIKE usual, which was strange but I respect it.

Amber was also busy. That's fine.

Natasha was out with Nara shopping, and didn't let me come with them when I offered. That's okay! 

Of course Charley wouldn't leave the house, but for some reason Sapphire wouldn't either. I didn't mind. I wouldn't.

Overall, nobody was 'available' to hang out other than Molly, who seemingly wanted me for her project of sorts.

"Wait! I have the wrong fabric, sorry!" She grinned. I shrugged as she replaced the blue with a golden silk, accented with rose gold tints.  "This is comfortable. Who's it for?" I asked. She didn't reply. Nodding off into my own procrastination, I let myself be swarmed in thoughts irrelevant to the current moment.


"I'm finished with you! Thanks for the help, uhh... Y/N!" Molly stammered, soon kicking me out the door.

I stood, enveloped in a peaceful silence for a moment before sighing heavily. "Goddamnit." I grunted, then beginning my trek home.

The crunching of dry leaves under my feet calmed me, even though I now knew everyone was up to something. Since everyone didn't include me in the planning of this surprise, I might as well try and find out for myself...

Yeah, let's do it.


I managed to make it to Diana and Ambers house, peeking through the window to spy any movement inside. They were both out, perfect

Using a hair pin, I unlocked the lock and stepped inside. The floorboards creaked under me as I took a step forward. The silence soon turned eerie as I began snooping around the house for clues. I spied a calender, with red marker scribbled all over it. On a certain date, it read 'Y/n.'

"Thats not helpful." I muttered out loud. Before I could leave, I heard the door click open and the house was filled with Ambers voice. I rolled under the couch and hoped for the best.

"You think she'll like it? I mean, I think it looks awesome." I didn't see what Amber placed on the table, but it was heavy and landed with a 'slam'. "It's kinda a birthday, but... Kinda not." She shrugged. I stiffened. What's a 'birthday'? I forgot.

Is it the day where I was born? It's been so long that I've forgotten.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, I climbed out from under the couch to see nobody else in the room. I swiftly leapt out the window, shattering the glass as I landed in a Bush and broke into a sprint back to Craig's house.


"I RUINED IT." I yelled, kicking the door down as I waltzed in. Craig looked up from his desk and slammed the laptop closed.

My laptop?

"Uhh.... Hello my love, to you too." I joked, kissing him on the cheek. I sat on the couch, about to power off when Mini came over and grabbed my arm. "Hey, I wanna talk to you." He immediately dragged me outside.

"Craig? What's up?" I asked, curiosity pouring out of my ears. "Uhh... Haha.... You know how I wanted to show you that one place?" He asked. I shrugged. Maybe I don't remember, but I don't ever recall him wanting to show me anything. He froze. "Oh. Forgot... Anyway! Follow me." He dragged me through a forest at the end of the street, tangled in vines and leaves once we stopped in a clearing. Even with my h/c locks in my eyes I could still stand, mesmerized by the beauty. Colourful flowers bloomed in the trees above us, and on the grassy floor was many white daisies. A picnic blanket was laid out and all my friends were there, each holding a present, wrapped in grey paper with f/c ribbons.

"I found this spot while I was browsing on the internet on an ad from Craigslist." Mini joked. I enveloped him in a tight hug. "Its so pretty. So... dreamy." I looked him dead in the eyes. I heard a light squeal and suddenly everyone broke into laughter.

"So... Happy birthday!" Everyone cheered, clasping their hands together. I cheered along with them and began opening gifts, starting with the largest.

I had received the following:

A large toolbox from Sophia, and a joke about how she always has to repair me.

A calming wind-up music box from Amber, along with a pearl necklace.

A silky dress from Molly that I immediately put on.

Diana drew me an adorable picture of myself and her in a field.

Natasha got me all the episodes of a show called 'Friends' that I planned to watch once I got home.

Charley baked a large layered cake, with white and f/c icing and used that as an excuse for not buying me anything. I didn't mind.

Sapphire brought a new gaming console with Overwatch CD's.

The only one who hadn't gotten me anything was Craig, and he just nervously smiled through the whole thing.

"Hey Bunny Boy, did you forget my birthday like I did?" I joked, even when I was a little hurt. He shook his head. "No, I let everyone go first so I could save the best for last." He grinned. I laughed at his modesty.

"Its okay if you forgot." I shrugged. He shook his head once more, then grabbing my hands softly and pulling the close. "I couldn't forget with everyone nagging me about it all the time." Craig joked, making everyone laugh.

"Not only that, but I was too excited for today." He let go of my hands and shoved them in his pockets. "Its my birthday, I should be the one excited." I grinned.

"The thing is, I also wanted to renovate a ferry cruise and stuff, but the refused. That's okay." He began. I raised a brow as he knelt down infront of me. "Because I only need a yes from you." He smiled lightly, drawing a small box out of his pocket. I felt my eyes widen, and my eyes were on the verge of leaking. "... And all I want is that answer." Craig's eyes sparkled so bright.

"... I'd be happy to give you that answer." I laughed, diving down so hug him.

Best birthday evah

I've been really inactive lately. I'm down in the dumps and stuff.
So I've had really heavy writers block, and I desperately wanted to release this as soon as possible. I'm glad I did. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

The next one might be the last.

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