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Natasha's POV

A loud yell echoed out from downstairs, causing me to fall out of my chair. My black hair whipped my brown eyes, the red streaks growing more prominent in the light as Amber knocked Craig out and Diana locked Brian in his room.

I watched as Sophia thundered down the stairs infront of me, almost stumbling over the last few steps. I kicked the door open and found no trace of the girls, apart from a few pale feathers and Molly's now broken glasses. I growled, kicking at loose leaves on the floor and tried to comfort the terrified Diana. Amber did a better job at it, however, so I just observed. Sophia walked over, picking up a sheet of paper. The writing was messy, and uneven in size. Sophia began to read it a loud.

"Dear Experiments of Reuwen Lostwithiel Lab, you signed up for this, to donate your entire lives to improve our society. Why you would run away against our contract, I don't understand. However, do know that you all will submit to us in time. We have a spy always with you, and attacking them won't be an option. You might as well just turn yourselves in, and that retired doctor of yours is gonna be taken back and well. Sincerely yours, H--" She cut herself off, taking the paper and scrunching it up into the tightest ball, shoving in in her pocket.

"Those.... they're too much sometimes, huh?" She forced a laugh, looking over at Y/n. She'd most likely be the next target, since she's most valuable. Or so I thought.

"I... I think Dr V might be up to something." I glared into the short haired girl. Sophia looked away, avoiding eye contact. "It's possible, I just don't want to believe it." She finally sighed, beginning to walk back up the stairs. I was about to stop her when I hesitated, and breathed out. I walked upstairs, sitting on the couch beside the unconscious Mini. Y/n seemingly growled and crawled on top of him, peppering his face with kisses as if claiming her territory.

I chuckled lightly, leaning into the cushions comfortably.

Diana's POV

"Hey, Diana? Come here for a second." The doctors voice echoed through the apartment. About to rush to her side, I almost walked into the wrong room, seeing Y/n trying to keep awake beside the still unconscious Mini. I smiled wider, as she rested her head on his chest and fell asleep.

Suddenly, Dr V cried out, awakening Y/n. I quickly shut the door on her and locked it from the outside, locking Brian into his room as well and as I rushed to Dr V's room, Amber looked up. However, she didn't say anything as I kicked open the door and saw Dr V pinned to the wall by Natasha. The retired scientist, Sophia, was most likely knocked over from me opening the door ever so calmly.

'What is going on?!' My voice echoed through Sophia and Natasha's minds individually. "She's the one behind all the dissapearances, and we have proof!" Sophia fumbled to grab out a recording tape. I held up my hand to stop her, stalking over to Dr V. I knew she was the one behind this, as she spilled her plan aloud over the phone while I was near.

"Diana, get them off me." She demanded. I frowned, sensing new lifeforms scaling the walls. I was about to rush out of the room, when the agents crashed through the windows and held us at gun point.

"U-uh, can I say something?" Sophia stammered, a nervous grin on her face. Without a word, they cuffed both girls and retreated outside, leaving three soldiers behind. "Deary Diana, why didn't you save me?" Dr V sickeningly hummed, grabbing my chin. I growled, ripping my head out of her grasp. 'Get away from me.' I felt my words echo off the walls, even when I didn't vocally say anything.

"Not like you can do anything, really. Don't wanna be pushed too far off the edge, Deary." She grinned, causing my permanent grin to somehow faulter.

As they surrounded me, I felt my eye twitch, and suddenly the two closest had blades sticking through their stomachs. I let them fall to the ground, turning to the last man standing. I let myself giggle telepathically as I sliced at his neck, causing the room to be drenched in the thick, red liquid. He let out a gurgle before falling to the ground with a 'thud'.

"Y-you... you really did it." Dr V looked me dead in the eye. I grimaced, wiping some of the blood off my face and kicked most of the corpses out the windows. 'Yeah. You're next.' I seethed, charging at her. She laughed, and I stumbled back, startled, as she pulled out a strange red button. Amber rushed in just as she slammed the button, and I felt my grip on my muscles loosen. "You're my apprentice, I have something just in case of a betrayal." She purred, as I fell to the ground. I looked around, searching for Amber. I watched as she kicked the doctor through the wall, and bits of plaster fell as she landed in a helicopter and they flew away. 'They... they-- why?' I heard my Telepathy glitch and lag, as Amber rushed to my side. "No wounds... Okay." She sighed, picking me up and dropping me on the couch in the lounge. "How are we gonna explain this to the guys?" She pondered aloud.

Y/n's POV

Finally, I realised I was a cyborg, that probably was inspired off movies. I thought about the possibility of lazer eyes and knives in my hands, when I decided to try.

I tapped parts of me, and finally after tapping my nose, I felt myself launch into the roof. I hissed, grabbing my head and feeling my feet grow hot. Fire was shooting out of my heels as I hovered midair. I sighed, flying to the other side of the room. I braced myself, before launching into the door and breaking it down.

"What...?" I gawked at the damage done to the apartment, and the fact that the two girls next to the couch were covered in blood.

What am I gonna do?

L ol sorry Yeyyy
Word count: 1064444444444444444

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