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Y/n's POV

"I understand completely if you're feeling slightly overwhelmed, but know that you're life will go back to normal once I leave." I sighed, watched Craig stare at me, a perplexed expression gracing his face. "Why would I want you to leave?! Just.... tell me these types of things beforehand, 'Kay?" He grinned. "You don't understand. I need to go after them, whether I get caught or not. They're my friends." I muttered. "Well, I.... Brian and I could potentially help!" He protested, gripping my arm. "I care about you, and if this is what's going down, I'm joining you." He laughed, standing up and dragging me to Brian's locked room. "Hey Brian! Grab the important shit, we're doing stuff today!" Craig yelled at the sobbing man in shambles on the other side of the door.

"Go on without me, my house...!" He wailed, thrashing around beside the door. I sighed, ripping it off its hinges and grabbing the writing grown adult male on the floor with one hand. We walked outside, people stopping to stare at the one armed lady carrying a sobbing baby man, walking beside a blue haired boy. Overall I'd be concerned.

"Here." I grinned, spotting Sophia's van on the side of the road. I hopped in,  forgetting that we didn't have keys. Or any direction to go in. "Maybe we can just stop for coffee first?" I laughed nervously. "Yeah! To Starbucks!" Craig cheered, as I found keys in the glove box and began speeding to the nearest Starbucks.

Diana's POV

'Girls, can we just not today?' I telepathically spoke, as everyone else yelled at eachother across the room.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT CYBORG MEN DECIDE TO KIDNAP ME, HUH?!" Amber protested against Natasha. "W-well...! I MEAN... Uh... why am I doing this again?" Natasha asked. "Because I need a REASON TO YELL AT SOMEONE!" Amber kicked at the metal bars. Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the prison, startling everyone, including the guards. I spotted a grey dragon tail, as it slammed numerous Soldiers into walls. A brick almost flew into me, before Amber moved me out of the way. "This could be our way out. I need you to trust me, okay?" She looked me dead in the... eye. I nodded, puffing out my chest to seem tough.

"Good." She took a deep breath, then swung at me at full force. I braced myself, wrapping my blade talons around her arm to prevent her from punching me. "Nice. Can they cut steel?" She grinned, casually slipping out of my grip as I slashed at the bars, feeling my black and pink hair cover my eye. Soon, there was a small way out, only allowing me to fit through.

"Go get that dragon thing.... or Sapphire. Maybe she can speak dragon or something!" Amber hissed. I nodded, scaling the walls to leap over the battle and into Sapphire and Charley's cell. "Hey, what's up?" Sapphire asked. "WE'RE ALL G'NA DIE! We'll be fine. NO WE WON'T! Just stop arguing, please!" Charley had a mini meltdown with herself.

'Can you speak dragon?' I asked. "Oh, uh yeah. Kinda. Wait a sec." Sapphire looked over to the dragon, whom looked back at her while mindlessly tossing soldiers off of it.

They stared at eachother for a solid moment, before I remembered I could read minds. I subtly joined the conversation and listened. I could only understand Sapphire, the dragon being less.... interpretable.

"Andrios! Wanna help us get out?" I heard her say. That's all I could interpret before the dragon, now known as Andrios, leapt at the bars and dented them, making it easy for me to slice through them. "Perfect, let's go!" Saph yelled, grabbing Charley and sprinting toward Sophia's cell, shared with Natasha. Surprisingly, Sophia had keys in her hand as she kicked the door open and sauntered toward us smoothly, and Natasha did the same. Other than she now had a plait.

'Come on, hurry!' I exclaimed, dragging everyone behind me as I sprinted toward the door. I felt it fall open as I leapt through, seeing a strange green logo I recognised on a coffee store. Something clicked inside me.


Before I could say anything, I felt familiar string cyborg arms wrap around my arm as the girls screamed protests, and we were dragged back. "LET ME GO!" Nara's voice cracked through the numerous yelps like lightning through a sky of black as she squealed, trying to kick off the strong men. Lel wtf.

"Girls... I think we should just do what they say." Molly let herself be dragged back to the cell. I heard Sophia and Natasha be knocked out, and Amber staying persistent as she was hit numerous times on different pressure points on her body. "Let go, you soi--" Soon, she was also knocked unconscious. I felt myself almost loose it, but I kept control as I was tossed into a cell of unconscious girls.

Y/n's POV

"Starbucks is great." I sighing in contentment as I chugged another cup of delicious coffee. "You said it, but isn't that your fifth glass?" Brian pointed out. "You each,  but I can't die from coffee." I laughed. "I forgot, you're a robot person." Craig rolled his eyes sarcastically, as we all laughed in a chorus.

"Okay, I think that's enough coffee for this table. Hey waitress lady!" Brian called. I winced as he earned a slap across the face. "I'm sorry, I'm not a dog. Say again?" She grinned. She seemed oddly familiar, I couldn't lay a finger on it.

"YOU'RE THAT GIRL WHO QUIT THE FACILITY, AREN'T YOU--" She cut me off by slamming a hand over my mouth. I recognised the long blonde hair and pale green eyes from the employee board from back in the second chapter or so.

"It's Marin. Anyway, yeah I am. Why?" She asked. "Do you know where they'd store escaped individuals when the main lab had been destroyed?" I asked. She raised a brow.

"Who are you and why do you need to know?" She asked. "I need to save my friends." I responded simply. "... They hired a store to do it. Under the store. Uh..." A loud crash echoed from the 'Employees Only' door. "Specifically this one." She joked, sighing after. "Don't tell them I told you, okay?" She punched me lightly in the shoulder and walked away.

"FOLKS! We have our winner!" I cheered, kicking the door open.

Yay I'm back
Because I suck.

So I'll be uploading occasionally, but not often. You guys won't miss me, anyway.
Word count: 1092 words

IMPERFECT - MiniLadd x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang