Entry 2: When You're Bored

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Hades updated his status: So, what's with all this love and mushy-gushy stuff about?
Nico de Angelo: Father, you embarrass me...
Annabeth Chase: It was Valentine's Day a couple days ago on Earth.
Hades: But why is everyone messaging everyone and telling them that they...love them?
Annabeth Chase: Valentine's Day is the holiday that we celebrate human affections. It's kind of stupid for gods...
Nico de Angelo: Yeah, and shut-in immortals who don't associate themselves with anything besides souls...
Hades: Nico!
Nico de Angelo has logged off...(He's having a bad day)

Percy Jackson has updated his status: So, who's bored?
Frank Zhang, Jason Grace, and 12 others like this.
Jason Grace: Feel like killing some annoying dads?
Percy Jackson likes this comment.
Percy Jackson: That sounds good, but unfortunately, we are no match for those dust- covered weirdos.
Poseidon: Excuse me for interrupting...
Percy Jackson has hastily logged off...

Piper McLean has updated her status: I have a brilliant idea!
Annabeth Chase likes this.
Annabeth Chase: What?! I'm bored out of my brain!
Thalia Grace: I hope it's something exciting!
Piper McLean: We demigod girls should have a slumber party in the forest!
Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, and 3 others like this comment.
Thalia Grace: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
Hazel Levesque: That would be epic and totally get-together awesome!
Annabeth Chase: Leave it to the ghost to use the long sentences...
Hazel Levesque: ;)

Zeus has invited Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and 8 others to play Social Empires.
Hera has sent a message to Zeus.
Hera: This is just like that other game we played in 800 A.D.
Poseidon: You mean wars?
Athena: No one asked you, Seaweed Brain!
Percy Jackson and Poseidon like this comment.
Percy Jackson: Carrying on the family tradition! Way to go, step-mother!
Athena has logged off in embarrassment.
Annabeth Chase: Nice going, guys!
Percy Jackson: ;)
Poseidon: ;)

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