Entry 8: Fanfiction

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Piper McLean updated her status:  *shocked blush face*

Jason Grace:  What happened?

Leo Valdez:  Did you find some cute Jason Grace art on the internet? *sly face*

Jason Grace:  What?!  Art?  What art?

Leo Valdez:  I won't say anymore!  Have fun with that, McLean! *wink face*

Nico de Angelo:  LOL!  "She found the fanfictions!"

Percy Jackson:  What does that mean?

Annabeth Chase:   *sigh* Well, I knew this would happen someday...

Percy Jackson:  Seriously, what are we talking about???

Piper McLean:  I'll tell you later...

Jason Grace messaged Gleeson Hedge:  I have something serious to ask you.

Gleeson Hedge:  Shoot!  What's on your mind, cupcake?

Jason Grace:  ...

Gleeson Hedge:  Well, spit it out!

Jason Grace:  Well...have you seen the fanfiction written about us?

Gleeson Hedge:  What the mushrooms is a "fanfiction?" 

Gleeson Hedge:  And what do you mean "about us?"

Jason Grace:  Well...a fanfiction is a story written by someone that usually puts two people together that normally wouldn't be in a relationship.  More specifically, a romantic relationship...

Gleeson Hedge sent a sticker: *shocked face*.

Gleeson Hedge:  Is this some kind of cruel prank?  BECAUSE I DON'T FIND MUCH HUMOR IN IT!!!

Jason Grace:  Believe me, coach, I don't find any humor in it either!  I just wondered if you ever heard of it!

Gleeson Hedge:  Well, I guess I forgive you, but since we're on the subject, let me know what it's about, so I'll remember it while I strangle the author.

Jason Grace: Ooooookaaaay, well, it starts with--


Piper McLean messaged Percy Jackson, with Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque, and 2 others.

Piper McLean:  Okay, so I guess you're all wondering what a fanfiction is and why it has us in it...

Frank Zhang:  I already know what it is, but I'm not sure I want to know what's in ours...

Annabeth Chase:  Maybe I should tell them, Piper, while you recover.

Piper McLean:  Alright, that sounds fair.

Percy Jackson:  Okay, girl, spill!  What is a fanfiction?!

Annabeth Chase:  Okay, it's basically a story where two or more people are paired together in a romantic relationship, or go on an adventure that isn't normally canon.

Percy Jackson: ...that makes absolutely no sense.

Hazel Levesque:  What's this about a cannon?  Did you spell it wrong?

Annabeth Chase:  No, the word "canon" means something that actually happened in the orignal series of a book, tv show, or movie.

Hazel Levesque:  Ooooh...wait, what would a book series have to do with us?

Zeus:  Well, I wasn't going to tell you, but there is a man who has been following you demimortals on your adventures, writing them down, and then selling them as "fiction."  He has literally been stalking you since Percy Jackson here was 12.

Percy Jackson sent a sticker: *shocked face*

Frank Zhang:  You can't be serious...

Annabeth Chase:  I'm assuming that the king of the gods would tell the truth, so yeah.  I guess a guy has been following our adventures and quests.

Percy Jackson:  Fiction?!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

Annabeth Chase:  That's pretty low, even for a mortal.  But I'm wondering how he can see past the Mist.

Zeus:  You don't even know the half of it...

Ha ha!!  Loved this chapter!  Lots of fourth-wall breaking and Gods getting access to private messages.  You know, all that good stuff!  Anyway, I apologize for not posting in a while, but this book has kind of become a side note.  This is where I go when I'm out of ideas for my other books, so thank you for reading my brain farts...^.^

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