Entry 7: Merry Christmas!

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Jason Grace updated his status:  Merry Christmas, everyone!

Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase, and 7 others like this.

Piper McLean:  And a very merry christmas to you, too!  ;)

Nico de Angelo:  Well, everyone except me...

Annabeth Chase likes this comment.

Annabeth Chase:  Aw, why can't you have a merry christmas?

Nico de Angelo:  *shrugs* The dead aren't into really celebrating...and neither is my father.

Hades:  What was that, son?

Nico de Angelo has logged off.

Drew Tanaka added an event  "Camper Christmas Party"

Percy Jackson and 2 others have seen this.

Percy Jackson:  Are boys invited?

Drew Tanaka:  Of course, hon!  Oh, and I might need help with decorations.

Thalia Grace:  I could help with that.

Jason Grace likes this.

Jason Grace:  Me too.

Drew Tanaka:  Awesome!

Leo Valdez:  Felic Navidad, everybody!  ARRRRRRRRIBA!

Hazel Levesque likes this.

Hazel Levesque:  Quit trolling', Valdez!

Leo Valdez giggles as he logs off to do some trolling.

Zeus opened up a group chat with Hera, Athena, Hades, and Poseidon.

Zeus:  I might need some help, my brothers and sisters.

Hera:  Hmph, that's a first.

Athena and Poseiden sent stickers of laughing faces.

Zeus:  SHUT UP!  All I want to know is what all this "Christmas" business is about?

Hades:  Don't ask me, I'm forever cursed to this realm, where souls don't celebrate much.

Hades has left the group.

Hera:  I would rather wear a flamingo costume than tell you!

Hera has left the group.

Athena:  ...oh dear.

Poseidon:  Well, I guess I will have to tell you, brother.


Poseidon:  Okaaaay!  Fine, you tell him.

Athena:  Thank you.  Zeus, Christmas was a celebration of the birth of a mortal god, Jesus Christ.  But since then, humans have evolved it into a holiday where you buy snobby kids presents they'll never need, kill each other for deals on gifts, destroy relationships and family relations, and create a fat man in a red suit who flies around in a sled and delivers presents to good children.  That make sense?

Zeus:  O.O That sounds like a terrible holiday!  Whatever happened to Zeus day?  I want Zeus day back!

Poseidon:  Oh, not this again.

Zeus:  Oh, don't start, Poseidon.  Weren't you the one who proposed Trout Day?

Poseidon:  They are a regal species of fish and deserve a day to be celebrated!

Zeus:  Really?  And what about my eagles?!  HMMMM?  What about my sky, or lightning, or rain?  Do they get any recognition?

Poseidon:  At least I don't walk around in a kingdom made out of fluffy clouds, wearing a white sheet as a dress!

Zeus:  Oh, you're one to talk!  Athena, please tell this god what you think of his wardrobe.

Athena has left the group.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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