Entry 3: What's Instagram? (And Other Fun Stuff)

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Leo Valdez updated his status: Alright ladies, I just got Instagram. Any tips on what to do?
Piper McLean, Calypso, and 5 others like this.
Hazel Levesque: What's Instagram?
Leo Valdez: I wasn't talking to you, then...
Annabeth Chase: I bet you'll just stalk Calypso on it, Leo.
Calypso likes this comment.
Leo Valdez: Jeez, Annabeth. How could you be so low?
Nico de Angelo: It's in her nature...
Annabeth Chase has logged off in sheer frustration.

Poseidon has updated his status: I hear the local pool in New York is opening up. I could do with a good body of water.
Zeus, Hades, Hephaestus, and 10 other like this.
Percy Jackson: Uh, Dad? You know that New York is surrounded by water, right?
Zeus likes this comment.
Poseidon: I'll have you know, son, that I know every body of water in the entire world! I just enjoy messing with a pool with mortals in it.
Percy Jackson: I won't let you do that!
Poseidon has destroyed Percy Jackson's laptop.
Poseidon: I can do whatever I like, son.
Zeus and Hera like this comment.

Bianca de Angelo sent Nico de Angelo a friend request.
Nico de Angelo accepted Bianca de Angelo's friend request.
Nico de Angelo: You really need to stop meeting me in the land of the living...
Bianca de Angelo: Come on, little brother. Admit it: You enjoy talking to me!
Nico de Angelo: Oh, good! I thought you were someone else.
Bianca de Angelo likes this comment.
Bianca de Angelo: I bet I could get Dad to send me to you for a visit, if that's cool...
Nico de Angelo: There's nothing stopping you! Please come over!
Bianca de Angelo: ^-^

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