Entry 4: Fashion

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Calypso has updated her status: Does this dress make my vareli look big? 

Leo Valdez likes this. 

Leo Valdez: It's the same dress you wear every day, girlfriend! 

Calypso: No! I made it from new material! 

Leo Valdez: Same design... 

Calypso: Shut up! 

Annabeth Chase: I think it looks fine, Calypso. 

Calypso: Thanks, Annabeth. At least someone here appreciates fashion. 

Leo Valdez: What?! As you can plainly see, I am the most fashionable demigod in all of Long Island! 

Calypso and Annabeth Chase like this comment.

Percy Jackson has updated his status: I need a little fashion advice from some of my demigod girlfriends. 

Hazel Levesque, Calypso, Piper McClean, and Annabeth Chase have hastily replied. 

Percy Jackson: Sorry, Annabeth. This can't involve you. 

Annabeth Chase: What?! You know what, fine! 

Nico de Angelo: Do I count, Percy? 

Percy Jackson: Uh, I don't think you count as a girlfriend, Nico. 

Nico de Angelo: But...*puppy eyes* 

Bianca de Angelo likes this comment. 

Hazel Levesque: Okay, sea green and deep blue are you colors. Wind-swept is definitely your hair style. Don't try building muscle, lean is your body build, so don't try to fight it. And, also- 

Percy Jackson: OKAY!!! Slow down, beauty queen! Leave the tactics to the daughter of the beauty queen herself! 

Aphrodite likes this comment. 

Aphrodite: Go ahead, child. I'll correct you when needed. 

Piper McClean: Thanks, mom.

Piper McClean messaged Percy Jackson. 

Piper McClean: Okay, I guess do what Hazel said, but there's so much more you should know. The only problem is, I don't know what you want to know. 

Percy Jackson: Well, I just want to look nice for my engagement proposal to Annabeth. 

Piper McClean: OH, really?! Oh, congratulations! 

Percy Jackson: Yeah, well... 

Piper McClean: You know what, just step inside my cabin, and I might be able to help you with that. 

Percy Jackson: Sounds like a plan.

Hades has updated his status: I just don't feel like my crown really brings out my eyes. Any suggestions? 

Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Zeus like this. 

Zeus: What's the matter? Afraid your poor Persephone will run away from your lifeless eyes?! 

Aphrodite: Now, Zeus! That's no way to treat your brother. Anyway, Hades, I think your crown really brings out the grey slits in your brown eyes, with all the purple gems. It makes them look silver! 

Hades: Thank you, Aphrodite. 

Pluto likes this comment. 

Pluto: Oh, look. My Greek half is being a drama goddess again. 

Hades: Shut up! 

Pluto: No, you shut up. 

Hades: You! 

Pluto: You. 

This conversation went on for another 10 minutes, until Hades/Pluto exploded temporarily. 

Hazel Levesque: ...I am really not looking forward to Thanksgiving. 

Nico de Angelo: Me too. 

Bianca de Angelo: Me three.

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